This is an email from my friend, Kent, written by Bert Atkinson, Jr. I don't know Mr. Atkinson, but his thoughts are "interesting and positive." It is easy to be negative when positive is so much better.
Subject: Supreme Court Ruling
This provides a simple summary of the possibilities coming our way, but lots can happen in 4 months as we all know. Roberts sure has emerged as a brilliant Chief Justice (a reversal of opinion by the Democrats). You might want to read this and make your own opinion on what happened yesterday with ruling on ObamaCare.
Why Chief Justice Roberts Made the Right Long-Term Decision With ObamaCare
By Bert Atkinson, Jr.
Before you look to do harm (I'm sure he means verbal not physical) to Chief Justice Roberts or his family, it’s important that you think carefully about the meaning – the true nature — of his ruling on ObamaCare. The Left will shout that they won, that ObamaCare was upheld and all the rest. Let them. It will be a short-lived celebration.
Here’s what really occurred — payback. Yes, payback for Obama’s numerous, ill-advised and childish insults directed toward SCOTUS (Supreme Court of the United States). Chief Justice Roberts actually ruled the mandate, relative to the commerce clause, was unconstitutional. That’s how the Democrats got ObamaCare going in the first place. This is critical. His ruling means Congress can’t compel American citizens to purchase anything; EVER. The notion is now officially and forever, unconstitutional; as it should be.
Next, he stated that, because Congress doesn’t have the ability to mandate, it must, to fund ObamaCare, rely on its power to tax. Therefore, the mechanism that funds ObamaCare is a tax. This is also critical. Recall back during the initial ObamaCare battles, the Democrats called it a penalty, Republicans called it a tax. Democrats consistently soft sold it as a penalty. It went to vote as a penalty. Obama declared endlessly, that it was not a tax, it was a penalty. But when the Democrats argued in front of the Supreme Court, they said "hey, a penalty or a tax, either way." So, Roberts gave them a tax. It is now the official law of the land — beyond word-play and silly shenanigans. ObamaCare is funded by tax dollars. Democrats now must defend a tax increase to justify the ObamaCare law.
Finally, he struck down as unconstitutional, the ObamaCare idea that the federal government can bully states into complying by yanking their existing Medicaid funding. Liberals, through Obama-Care, basically said to the states — "comply with Obama-care or we will stop existing funding." Roberts ruled that is a no-no. If a state takes the money, fine, the Feds can tell the state how to run a program, but if the state refuses money, the federal government can’t penalize the state by yanking other funding. Therefore, a state can decline to participate in ObamaCare without penalty. This is obviously a serious problem. Are we going to have 10, 12, 25 states not participating in “national” health-care? Suddenly, it’s not national, is it?
Ultimately, Roberts supported states rights by limiting the federal government’s coercive abilities. He ruled that the government can not force the people to purchase products or services under the commerce clause and he forced liberals to have to come clean and admit that ObamaCare is funded by tax increases.
Although he didn’t guarantee Romney a win, he certainly did more than his part and should be applauded. And he did this without creating a civil war or having bricks thrown threw his windshield. Oh, and he’ll be home in time for dinner.
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