of questions about my life
by Evetta Sue Averett
Corina gave me this little book
for Christmas 2014 with all the questions in it, so this will be fun to work
on. I have decided to post it on my
blog, Let's Have a Conversation, for my posterity, if any of them are
interested. It is written to give back
to Corina when I am finished. Since it
is for my family, I will list my two sons and two daughters and grandchildren
(underlined) and great-grandchildren right here so you can get to know them
starting with my oldest son:
Andy, wife Debi - children - Carlos, Ileana, husband Nolan Morris, children
Halle and Wendell, Laura, husband Aeryc, Marcia, currently a
missionary in Argentina due home the end of June, and Alan
Annett, husband Jim Loveridge - children, Addie, husband Kyle Jackson, children Gabriel, Tatem, and Alex, currently a Service Missionary at Utah Valley University
Jay, wife Tammy, children - Jaylynn, husband Ryan Clark, children Trace, and Macie (due in May, 2015), Charlie and Samantha
Julie, husband Mike Cox - Corina, husband Jordan Sorensen, children Reagan and (baby girl due in May, 2015), Logan and Dylan
I will post the questions and answers as they come up in Corina's little book.
Question: Where were you born and when?Oh good, it starts at the beginning. As they say, I was born on September 8, 1938 at 615 Flint Street in Laramie, Wyoming. Dad worked on the Union Pacific Railroad (which he did until the last day of 1969) and Mother was a housewife. They say I was born at home where two large chairs were pushed together for mother to lay on. Someone came in to help with the birth (a midwife-type, I'm sure) with the doctor stopping by the house a bit later. I was only 22 months younger than my brother, Franklin, so, I guess, it was an easier birth. We children were spaced out over a period of 10 years at that time with Joyce born in 1928, Velna in 1933, Frank in 1936 and me in 1938. Beth came almost 10 years later in 1947 when mother was almost 45 years old. We lived in that house until I was in the 8th grade, I think it was 1952. I would have loved to see it again as so many memories were made there, but it never happened. I did try once while I was in Laramie for a high school reunion, but no one was home.
Question: What is your full name and why were you named it?
Evetta Sue Black Averett - My parents named me Evetta--a
name I never liked [hated] because it was so different. Eve after Eva Amanda
Gribble and Etta after Eliza Rosetta King (called Ettie), my two grandmothers. I
guess I wanted to fit in with the Barbara's, Jane's, JoAnne's etc. I remember being called E for elephant when I
was about ten. So, at 16 years old I had had enough. A girl named Sue moved to Laramie from Texas
who had a small Volkswagen bug and I thought she was neat. That's when I started changing my name to
Sue. Many years later I wished I had
just shortened it to Eve, which I like, but it didn't occur to me then. Anyway, I added Sue as my middle name. When I married Averett, that made it even
harder (think Evetta Averett). I have always been glad I did change to Sue
especially when I have to give a name for something in public. Velna still suffers with her name and Beth
always says Mary when asked for a name to identify herself. Sue is so easy and common. There are three Sue's in our ward, so finally
I fit right in.
Question: Describe the first Christmas that you can
I don't
really remember any "first" Christmas. The Christmas's I remember over the years are
mostly from the pictures Dad took on Christmas day. Our celebrations were pretty low key. It always started with the Montgomery Ward
catalog. I remember pouring through it
and marking the pages of the things I liked.
We also visited toyland downtown in the Ward's building in the basement. Each year when I was a little girl, I got a
new Effenbee doll. I know I got a doll
buggy one year with blankets. The Santa
present I remember most is the doll house.
I have written about it in My Life
So Far. I loved that doll house and
have always looked for one like it just in case I might want to buy it. It disappeared in our move from Flint Street
to the Sully house. I was an adolescent
by then and didn't need toys any more.
Mother bought all the gifts--I don't remember Dad participating very
much. We always had real stockings
filled with the same candy, chocolates and hard candy with soft centers. We didn't usually have a Christmas dinner as
such. I know I ate candy all day which
is pretty much what I do now. Looking
back, Christmas was all about family and playing inside and out with our new
toys. Sometimes Dad worked on Christmas,
we never knew if he would be there or not, but Mother, Joyce, Velna and Frank
were always there. The big Christmas's
came when our kids were little, but that's another story.
Describe your religious beliefs
The Church
has always been a part of my life. When
I was little, we went to Sunday School in the morning and Sacrament Meeting in
the evening. I remember being the Sunday
School Secretary when I was twelve or thirteen.
I always liked the music the best and sang in the choir in Laramie when
I was in Junior High and High School. I
liked the testimony meetings too because the (University of Wyoming) college students
always bore the most inspiring testimonies.
I remember wondering why our Church was the only "true"
church. It has been in my mature years that I have really studied the
scriptures. In 2012 I read the entire Book of Mormon three times. I have summarized The Pearl of Great Price, the first half of the Old Testament, the sixty-six chapters of
Isaiah and The Last Twelve Prophets of
the Old Testament. My most ambitious project was summarizing the Four Gospels of the New Testament and the
Book of Revelation. I believe in Christ and am trying to know Him and
follow Him the best I can. I have heard
the "still, small voice" many times and have been blessed beyond
words. My greatest wish is that all my
children and grandchildren will live worthy in this life to be together as a
family forever when we leave this mortal existence. And that someday we may
receive exaltation and be reunited with our Savior and Father in Heaven. I
believe it will happen. It may take
time, but we will have eternity to work on it.
Question: What was the first car
you learned to drive?
In Wyoming the age for a driver's
license was 15. So, when I turned 15, I
got in Dad's old, black '37 Plymouth coupe and learned to drive. (Dad drove
this car to work on the railroad.) It
had a beige horsehair interior and a stick shift on the floor. I don't remember anyone teaching me to drive,
I just got in and drove. I know one time
at the Big Buy Drive-In I locked bumpers with the car ahead. We just got out
and pulled the cars apart. I was not a
very good driver yet. The other car we had was
a '47 gray two-tone Chevrolet. It was a stick shift too but was not on
the floor. Well, Dad decided to buy a
newer, used Ford with one of the first automatic shifts made. It was a terrible car—absolutely
gutless. I almost never got to drive
that car and seldom got to drive any car. Two of my friends always had a car
for us to ride in. I do remember driving
the Plymouth to the Wyo Theater where I was working on February 10, 1956 when
Wally came to the movie and rode with me to the Big Buy for a treat after work. Lynn and Janet took his '53 Olds and we met
them there. I have been driving ever
since in many nice cars. I think my
favorite will always be my PT Cruiser.
It's 14 years old this July and is still going strong. Thank you, thank you, thank you Lord.
Question: Have you ever had
Surgery. I believe I hold the record for
surgeries. My first big surgery was in
1972 when I fell off the top of a ladder in Casper and wrecked my knee. The doctor had shaking hands and put a staple
into the bone to attach the cartilage.
It's still there somewhere. That ruined my knee and changed my physical life. While living in Orem in our new house off of
Palisade Drive, I had a hysterectomy. I
was 42 years old. Annett says that
changed my life and I say it changed my personality. No more hormonal ups and
downs. In 1984 I had a stomach staple at the University Hospital in Denver that
ruined my stomach. It was experimental
and didn't work. Then in 2003, when I
qualified for Medicare, and after needing it for 10 years, I had my first knee
replacement on my right (injured) knee.
That was soon followed in 2004 by a replacement on my over-used left
knee. In 2006, I had a stomach repair
and gastric bypass in Denver, which also didn't work (the story of my
life). And finally, in 2013 I had a hip replacement which has
been fine. Dr. Robert Jackson did both
my left knee and my hip replacement in the Provo Hospital. I liked him but his follow-up care is non existent. That makes it harder to recover.
[See also "Have you ever
been hospitalized?"]
Question: Has anyone ever saved
your life?
Technically, no. I did have a traumatic experience when I had
my first knee replacement at the hospital in Sandy, UT. In September,
2003, as soon as I turned 65, I made an
appointment with Dr. Rosenberg, a famous orthopedic doctor in Park City. I had to wait for three months for the
appointment and another six weeks for the surgery. It was the third week of December (I don't
remember the exact day) which means it was almost Christmas when I finally had
the surgery. Everything went fine except
for the negligence at the hospital due to Christmas vacations and celebrations. Dr. Rosenberg left the country right after my
surgery with one of his minions in charge. No one ever checked my blood or
anything else before I was discharged three days later. That evening at home I fainted on the floor
and vomited blood. Annett called the ambulance,
I was in and out of consciousness, and we went back to the hospital in Sandy. When I got to the emergency room, the male
nurse got my records from upstairs and told me I needed blood immediately or I
would die. I was hesitant because I had
not anticipated needing blood and didn't have my own blood stored. He was adamant and I immediately agreed. I had three or four pints of blood over the
next two days. If anyone had checked
before I was released that morning they would have known I was bleeding
internally from an ulcer. They
cauterized it while I was there and I haven't had any problems since.
Question: Have you ever been in a
serious accident?
No. But, I was in a car accident just out of
Lander, WY on our way to Lovell in the spring of 1956 with Wally driving his
parent's new Olds 98. It was snowing and someone from the south, who hadn't
been in snow before, slid into our vehicle and we went flying off the road half
way through the field on our side of the road.
Two college girls from Cowley, Mary Partridge and Eloise Givenrod were
with us along with Orin Muller. The car was slightly damaged but we had to stay
the night in Lander to get everything taken care of.
The only other bad accident I can
claim is falling from the top of the ladder which I wrote about in the question
about my surgeries. I thought I was
invincible, like lots of kids do today, and did a stupid thing that affected me
for the rest of my life. Moral: don't do
stupid things. Think first.
Question: Have you ever been hospitalized?
I have already written about my
surgeries, all while being hospitalized.
The only other hospital incidents I can remember was when I had my
tonsils out at about eight years old, and the plastic surgery on my nose when I
was thirteen. Neither were run of the
mill. I was given ether for the tonsillectomy
and was never really anesthetized enough to be out. I was scared and screamed so loud that it
broke a blood vessel in my neck. I broke my nose when I was a baby by falling
out of my high chair (I was told).
Anyway, my nose was always misshaped.
When I was thirteen, Mother took me to Cheyenne to see a plastic
surgeon. (Dad was in Cleveland, OH attending the B of LE, Brotherhood of
Locomotive Engineers convention). I was in the hospital in Cheyenne longer
than planned because the first attempt was not successful. After a few days, the
doctor tried again and I went home with bandages on my nose. I have been sad that my nose is still not
like it could have been if we had had a better surgeon. I always wanted to have it fixed, but never
Question: Have you ever been the victim of a crime?
Yes, I have had my purse stolen twice. Once in Dallas and once in Draper. In Dallas I was with my friend, Jill Pehrson,
shopping at Sam's Club. We were loading
our groceries in my car in the parking lot when I put my purse on the ground
next to my car. A car pulled up in back of us, a black woman got out and
leisurely picked up my purse. I was
standing right there. She calmly got in their
car while I was pounding on it, and the driver drove away on to the highway
next to the store. Police came but it
was unsolved. The main things I lost
were my Mount Blanc pen Wally gave me and my prescription glasses (total value
about $600). I think I had about three dollars cash. Fortunately, the car keys were in my pocket. The
second time I was in Deseret Industries in Draper when a man approached my
basket, put something in front of me over the purse and took it with his other
hand. I knew immediately what had
happened and alerted the store but they didn't care. They just didn't want me to make a fuss. Unfortunately I had a $100 dollar bill in my
purse that Wally gave me from the sale of his table saw. This was definitely a professional hit. Now I carry my purse across my body.
Question: Who was your first crush?
I don't know
if I actually had a first crush. I have
written about being boy crazy in My Life Story,
So Far. I was not popular in high
school and never had a steady boyfriend until Wally. I believe I am lucky to have found such a
wonderful husband, father, friend, person when I was eighteen years old. I don't regret all the angst of dating
different boys along with many crushes and heartaches. Annett and Julie both had various boyfriends,
angst, and heartaches before they married.
They both had boyfriends they "went with" when they were
younger, but made their choice of a good man when it was for eternity. Everyone has different experiences with the
opposite sex when they are young. Some
are positive, some are not. All I know,
looking back, is that you are blessed if you find your soul-mate, the one who
will nourish and support you no matter what, when you are young. Those are hard to find.
Question: Do you remember your first date?
Question: Do you remember your first date?
Yes, I
remember my first date. It was before
the Church came out with no dating before sixteen. I believe it was the summer before I turned fourteen. L J Willis, from Cowley (his dad owned the
drug store there), came to summer school at the University of Wyoming. He was only sixteen but was graduating from
high school one year early so he could start college in the fall. I don't remember why, but that summer I
enrolled in summer school at the university also. I took a history class and swimming. I soon discovered that we had the swimming
class together. We were both retarded
about the opposite sex, so it was really about friendship and my familiarity
with Cowley. I had visited my cousin Travene there before they moved to
Billings, and of course, my Grandma Lythgoe who was a pioneer of Cowley. Anyway, he asked me for a date to the
movies. I was scared that mother
wouldn't let me go, but she did. He
walked to our house on Flint Street and we walked to the movie. He held my hand in the movie and we walked
home. That was it. I went to a Lamba
Delta Sigma dance with him in the fall, but it was uncomfortable. He was a college man and I was barely in high
school. The next year he transferred to
Logan and finished college there. I
never saw him again but sometimes I think about him and wonder how he is.
What was your first paying job?
Oh my
goodness. It seemed like I always worked
when I was young. Frank and I had paper routes in grade school and junior high. I wish I had a better memory of time, but one
summer I baby sat for a church couple (R. Gardner) who had two kids (later
divorced). I was a terrible baby sitter. One summer Mother's friend, Rose Eads, got me
a job cleaning house for someone she knew in Laramie. I rode my bicycle to the lady's house over by
Washington Park, (not a short ride).
That didn't last long, thank heavens.
I was terrible at that too. I
worked a day or so at the Campus Shop in Laramie as a waitress which was miserable. I also cleaned rooms at the Branding Iron Motel
one summer for Neff and Beth Tippetts. The summer after I finished my junior
year in high school, I started working at the County Clerk's Office for Minnie
Pearson at the Albany County courthouse in Laramie (thanks to Edna Moyle). I kept that job until I left to attend BYU
the fall of 1956. Two summers were full
time and the rest was part time. I
learned a lot there and actually helped issue a marriage license to my friend Deanna
Howe and Billy Despain (later divorced).
One of my classmates, Edith Waters, worked with me the summer of
1956. I remember my full-time salary was
$225/month but it was enough to save $500 for school that fall. That whole year I was a senior I also worked
at the WYO Theater at night with my friend Janet Henberg for 50¢ an hour and all the
candy I could eat. That's where I met
Question: Name a good friend that you have known for the longest period of time.
Question: Name a good friend that you have known for the longest period of time.
This is funny. I have an email relationship with my friend
since junior high, Gloria Aegerter Rumbold.
We were friends all through junior and senior high school. She used to live in Castle Rock and I saw her
there a few times. She has since moved
to Pueblo and I haven't been to Castle Rock in a long time so we stay friends by
email. She sends me lots of funny, interesting, pictures and other mainly political
stuff. I love getting it. Gloria was raised Catholic and I went with
her to Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve when I was in high school. I don't think she is active in her church,
but she knows I am active in mine. I
knew her mother and dad, as well as her brother and sister a little bit. So that is an important connection to the
history of our friendship. She has been
happily married for many years to her husband and her children are a big part
of her life. Another long standing
friend is Lana Wieberg Ennis. We have been friends for more than thirty years
starting in Littleton, CO in 1982. She
has her trials, but she is a good person at heart. The best friend I will ever have is Jill Pehrson. I met her in Dallas. We had more in common than any other person I
have ever met. She is a true soul-mate. Unfortunately, I knew when I moved back to
Utah that we would not maintain the friendship.
She had lost several other friends this way and I knew that would happen
to us too. She still lives in Dallas.
Question: Did you make enough
money to live comfortably?
We had our trials. Money was always an issue in our
marriage. The one thing your Grandpa
couldn't give me was security. I learned
to adapt to whatever condition we were in financially. Wally was a scrapper and always came up with
the funds we needed. He was also
generous to others. If he had money,
everyone had money. Of course, the first
two years of army life was hard. I worked and saved up enough money to get us
through on army pay after Andy was born.
Then, Wally worked for Mule Creek Oil Company for eight years. He started at $500/mo and ended up at
$800/mo. Needless to say, we were not
getting ahead. Through the years I
remember the time when I went to the grocery store and was able to get almost
anything I wanted. That was nice. Now, I try to live frugally with my Social
Security. I have enough to live
comfortably thanks to this house and Annett and Jim. I have been happy here.
Question: As a child, what did
you want to be when you grew up?
As a child I didn't have any thoughts
or ambitions for anything when I grew up.
School was easy for me, except for math, and I more or less coasted
through. I don't remember anyone
encouraging me in any way to excel or work toward any goal. I had a good voice but didn't consider myself
naturally talented and I didn't want to work for mastery. In high school, I thought I wanted to study
music but that was mostly because I didn't have anything else. Over my lifetime I did take music classes
both at NWCC in Powell and at Casper Community College. And I took both piano and organ lessons in
Casper and voice lessons in Laramie from Mrs. Fern Jay and in Lovell from Lola
Bowman. I can still sing the words
correctly and hit the high notes, but my
breath control is gone. When I went back
to college, I found my love of English and ended up with a double major in
Business Communications and English. It
was a tough course as I had to take all the journalism classes, and the
business core classes, as well as the literature, writing, and English classes.
Finally I was motivated for success and graduated summa cum laude in a class
of 1700. Once I grew up, everything in
my life I did, I tried to do it to the best of my ability. Sometimes that is a hard row, but I can't do
it any other way.
Question: What was your first
job? What other kinds of jobs have you
I have
already written about my jobs as a child.
My courthouse job was probably my first real working job. I also
mentioned before about working in Virginia while Wally was in the army. I cashiered for a men's store in Newport News
for three months. That was pretty much a
nightmare as all the men were Jewish and thought they were studs (I was a young
Mormon girl from Wyoming, what did I know?) Don't get me wrong, I love and
admire the Jewish people, but this was a culture that was foreign to me. My next job in Virginia was for the
government, first in the laundry as a clerk and finally for the Corps of
Engineers. I worked on base at Ft.
Eustis until Andy was born. In Casper I
managed our Turquoise Unlimited store and also did sales part of the week. That was a huge responsibility. I worked briefly for a real estate company in
Littleton in 1987 but quit to return to school.
After college with no job offers, Wally and I remodeled two houses (besides
our townhouse which we remodeled in 1983) and I helped my friend Leslie with
her new house. Decorating has always been my passion. In another life I would have gone to Design
School and been a professional interior designer. As it was, we just kept moving, remodeling,
and building houses. We remodeled one in
Houston and built three in Dallas but only moved in to one of them. But, that is another story.
Question: Do
you remember someone saying something to you that had a big impact on how you
lived your life?
I remember Grace Waters in Laramie, when I was
in Mutual, teaching us that we should always treat those of our family with the
most kindness and courtesy—better than anyone else. I often wondered how that worked in their
family. That was new to me as my dad was
always two people—busy and sometimes grumpy at home and pleasant and friendly at
church. However, when I married Wally I
found out it was true as he was always positive and loving at home. Dad Volney said other hurtful things that have
stayed with me through the years. I understand
that his childhood was a life of poverty and hardship without a father for the
most part. Even this week (2/25/2015) I
thought about what he said to me when Wally and I got married. It was so hurtful and uncaring. One should
never say ugly things to their children.
Be like Annett is with Addie, no matter the circumstance, just be loving
and helpful. Words do hurt, but we get over it and move
on, sometimes with difficulty. We must learn to be emotionally healthy and
live like our Savior would have us live every day. That can bring a peaceful acceptance and
forgiveness to our lives.
What U.S. President have you admired the most and why?
Franklin D.
Roosevelt was president when I was born.
When he died in 1945 that was the first time I saw my dad cry. Then Harry S. Truman (1945-1953) the vice
president ran and won. Dwight D. Eisenhower (1953-1961), a Republican and WWII
hero, was next. John F. Kennedy (1961-1963), our first Catholic president,
served almost three years before he was killed by an assassin. I remember that well. It was a tragedy for the country. Lyndon B.
Johnson (1963-1969), the vice-president, filled out the term and was elected
once again. Then Richard Nixon (1969-1974) was elected. He resigned in disgrace in 1974, right after
he was elected the second time, and vice-president Gerald Ford served until 1977. Then worthless Jimmy Carter was elected and
had only one term (1977-1981) before Ronald Reagan (1981-1989) was elected—undoubtedly
our greatest president in my lifetime.
George Herbert Walker Bush (1989-1993) served one term and was not
elected the second time. He was probably
the most qualified modern president we have had. Bill Clinton came in riding on a white horse
and served for the next eight years (1993-2001). He is an immoral man. George W. Bush (2001-2009) had the misfortune
of the tragedy on 9/11/2001 which changed the course of his presidency. Finally, I have no words strong enough for
our current president (2009-2017).
He has done more harm to our country
in my lifetime than all other presidents combined. He has accrued a huge debt, given the government
control over our health care, offered amnesty to illegal's by violating the
Constitution, and he has ignored the evil Islamic threat around the world. I'm not sure we will be able to survive his
stated desire to "fundamentally transform America." He is the worst.
Question: What wars
have been fought during your lifetime? How did you feel about them?
I was only three
years old when the United States entered World War II, but I can still remember
coming home from Sunday School and hearing President Roosevelt declare war
after the bombing of Pearl Harbor by the Japanese—December 7, 1941, "a
date that will live in infamy."
During those years everything was about the war. Commodities like sugar, rubber, gasoline,
steel, and almost everything were scarce and/or rationed. We had black-out curtains for the windows in
case the homeland was bombed. Mother hung the little star flag in the window
indicating that members of our family were serving overseas. Uncle Jack and Uncle Billy (Dad's brother and
half brother) were fighting and Mother's brother Max also. This was the last war our country fought to
win. The Korean War (1950-1953) divided
that country between Communism (north) and Democracy (south). It is still
divided. I remember the National Guard from Lovell was activated and sent to
Korea. The Vietnam war was another
battle between the North (Russia and China) and the South (France and the US). For us, It started in 1960, peaked in 1968,
and ended with the capture of Saigon in 1975 by the North Vietnamese. This was a turbulent time in our country because
of so much opposition to the war. My
feelings were mixed. I don't think we
should fight wars we don't want to win.
I supported the invasion of Iraq in 2003 but, again, it was not fought
to win. It is easy to see the results of
that policy—the increase of evil (Islamic terrorism) all over the world.
Did you have a nickname growing up? Where did it come from?
No? No one has heard of another Evetta and no one can pronounce it correctly (it was
usually pronounced E-veet-a). Why do
people name their children names that no one has ever heard of? It makes us feel different when all we want
is to be like everyone else. Names are
important. We named our children Andy,
Annett (spelled strangely, I'm sorry), Jay, and Julie. I liked phonics and alliteration in their
names—Annett Kay Averett, Julie Ann Averett (Julie Cox is a "cute"
name). How many Julie's are there?
Answer, many. I was shocked when your
mom and dad named you Corina. I said,
"no, don't do that." I have
since heard of and seen many Corinas pronounced the same with all kinds of
different spellings. I really like the
name now. When parents name their
children strange names they assure their child
that they will be different from anyone else. Sometimes that can be good, but only if you
are extraordinarily talented, super intelligent, distractingly beautiful, financially
wealthy or have famous parents. Then
that works. Nicknames are often a good
thing. Grandpa Wallace was always known as Wally which is better. Wallace is
too formal. I have been happy to be Sue
although, as I have said before, Eve would have worked and been less
complicated. Oh well, it's too late now to
start over. I am still Evetta but I feel
like Sue.
Describe a
favorite movie you saw in the theater as a child.
I have
always loved the movies. When I was a
child, Frank and I (and others) walked downtown to the Fox theater and saw
whatever was playing (we had free passes from our paper routes). It usually changed every week or so. Later, I remember Mother dropping us off at
the Crown Theater where Westerns and the serials were playing. Each week the
cowboy had to fight the bad guys and then leave the audience hanging so we
couldn't wait for the next episode. But,
I liked the musicals the best. I loved
Judy Garland in Meet Me In St. Louis
(1944) about the 1904 World's Fair. I
also remember her in Easter Parade (1948). where she brought out her daughter
(Liza Minnelli) at the end. The musicals of the '50's became classics. When Wally and I were dating, we drove to Cheyenne
to see Carousel with Shirley Jones
and Gordon MacRae. It and The King and I
were both released in 1956. I also
remember seeing Oklahoma (released in
1955). I have watched these movies many
times since and know the songs by heart.
One musical I saw as a child was I
Wonder Who's Kissing Her Now (1947) with June Haver. When I was young, Joyce bought the sheet
music and played the popular songs on the piano while we sang. I still remember
the words to most of those songs. Finally, I have to mention a scary movie I
saw when I was young. I have remembered
it all my life. It was called The Unseen (1945). I didn't remember the name but I knew the
murders took place in Salem alley. When
I googled it I found the name. A long
synopsis proved that was my scary movie. Unfortunately, scary movies leave
lasting impressions in the mind of a child.
I haven't forgotten the fear I felt when I saw it so many years ago.
What did you do in the summer as a child?
Taken from
Part I of My Life Story So Far. Playing
is what kids do when they are little. I
was no different. In our backyard there
was a small hill right outside the back door.
It seemed the perfect place to play in the dirt. Frank and I used that
dirt pile to create a fantasy of roads, hills, tunnels and whatever else we
could think of. I spent hours of my childhood playing out there in that dirt. When I was five or six I started playing
with dolls. Mother had Santa give me a
new doll every Christmas, and, one year I got a canvas doll buggy. Most summer
days included a trip to the old Stanton School playground where we got our
elementary education. There was a big
old metal slide, a set of swings and an old merry-go-round. It was probably dangerous, but we didn't know
it or care. Later childhood play
included lots of roller skating in the summer and ice skating in the winter. Frank and I both had paper routes until we
were maybe 13 and 15 years old, and at some point I was able to get a
bicycle. My most vivid memory of bicycle
riding is peddling to the University of Wyoming campus. I climbed trees in our yard, played pretend,
went to afternoon movies on Saturday, listened to the radio, practiced piano,
made scrapbooks, built tents out of blankets in the back yard, and, played
games in the street with the neighborhood kids.
It didn't matter to me if it was dirt or dolls, skates or bicycles; my
job was to find something to do that was interesting and fun. And, I did.
How tall are You? What color was your hair as a young child and then as an
adult? What color are your eyes?
I'm glad you
asked about my height and not my weight.
I have always said I am 5 foot 6 inches tall although I believe I have shrunk
while my children have all grown taller.
They seem to tower over me now. I
think my hair is naturally light brown or as I call it dish-water blonde. Even when I was young, I was fussy about my
hair. I remember once in Laramie when I
was about eight years old, mother cut my hair like a little Dutch girl's. It was short all around my head about to the
bottom of my ears. I cried and cried and
hid in the house, so she took me to Woolworth's and bought me a pretty piece of
costume jewelry. Sometime in my youth mother
told me I had nice hair. I always
thought she said it because I wasn't very pretty and at least my hair was good. My eyes are mostly green, I think, although
sometimes they look gray or blue. Dad's
eyes were blue and Mother's gray/green.
When I look in the mirror, see my Grandma Lythgoe. I think I resemble
her especially since I have gotten older. All of my siblings look/ed
different. Joyce (1928-1970), Frank and
Beth have [had] the Sanders look with dark hair and brown eyes. Velna and I are blonder with blue-type
eyes. I have always known I looked more
like the Black family. I don't mind my
looks—they don't make much difference now.
I'm just trying to look my best although that is getting harder all the
time. I am now letting my hair go gray
which is a huge relief as I have hated coloring it myself after over 20
Did you live in the same place for most of your childhood? Do you wish you lived somewhere else?
Yes and No. I lived at 615 Flint
Street in Laramie until the end of my 7th grade when we moved to 1322 Sully in
Laramie. The Flint Street neighborhood
was strictly a blue collar neighborhood.
It was a nice place to grow up.
The house was built in the 1930's, a small, typical house. Mother didn't do much about fixing it up, it
just was what it was. I can remember
every detail which I am still in the middle of writing about (all the houses I
lived in and/or Wally and I remodeled/built).
Our house was in north Laramie but the nicer houses and a better class
of people (so they thought) came from the south side. West Laramie was where the Mexican population
lived and those who wanted to live out of the city on bigger pieces of land. Two of my best friends lived there; Janet
Henberg and JoAnne Clark. In some ways the
little town of Laramie consisted of railroad families and university
families. It didn't bother me as I have
always had an indifference about any differences. The neighborhood kids were our friends even
though only while we lived there. The
Phillips girls next door and the Irving kids across the street were the ones
who stayed. Others came and went, but we
always had someone to play with it seems to me.
The only wish I had about living somewhere else was when I had a pen pal
in Old Washington, Ohio. I looked at the
map and decided I would like to live in Indiana (close by). I don't know why, it was just a child's fantasy
not based on anything to do with knowledge or reality.
What did you do as a child that got you in big trouble?
I would say that I don't believe
there was anything in my childhood that "got me in big trouble." That's not saying my childhood was
perfect. Mostly I was ignored because I
was the fourth of five children. I do
remember one little incident when I was small, probably four or five. Dad always wore a felt hat like most men of
the day. He was fussy about his looks
and had bought himself a new hat. For
some reason I can't explain, I took the scissors and made a slice in the
brim. I don't remember any motivation
for doing it other than the felt was nice to cut. Dad was furious and I got my first and only
spanking that I can remember. Of all the
many memories of childhood, I remember that one. I don't know why I did it, I do know that it
was wrong. It must have taught me something because my memory of any other
similar incidents is zero.
Question: How did you meet your spouse?
I have already written about
meeting Grandpa in my Life Story-Part IV Love.
For this, Corina's Book, I am trying to remember something different
about that meeting. All I can think of
is that I have always known that Wallace Johnson Averett and Evetta Sue Black
knew each other in the pre-existence before we came to earth. How else would we have found each other—a boy
(man) in his last year of college who was 23 years old and a girl not yet
graduated from high school only 17 years old?
And who could have known what I needed the most in an earthly companion?
or an eternal companion? He wasn't perfect but he knew how to be a good, loving
husband and father. That was what I
needed most—someone who was always there for me; it wasn't easy for either of
us. I was not the person I am now, but
who is when they marry while yet a child?
I had lots of growing up to do and he helped me with his example. He had all the kindness and love already in
him that comes from a gentle, fully mature spirit. He came to earth like he was. He didn't need
to learn Christ-like attributes—he already had them. Studying the scriptures was not his thing,
but I know he loved the Church and often said he wanted to serve a mission. His
health was always fragile. When he died suddenly
it was with no regrets. He lived the
only way he knew how. Everyone was his best friend and he loved his family unconditionally.
How blessed I am to have found him and to have him with me for 47 years.
Describe your general health as a child.
What major illnesses of health problems do you remember having as a
There's not much to write about
here. Our family, in general, was very
healthy. I did have my tonsils out which I have written about earlier. We
didn't have lots of accidents that I can remember and no serious illnesses. I
don't remember going to the doctor ever, even when my arm went through the ringer on the washing
machine. It mashed some of the muscles
which you can still see on my arm, but it has never bothered me. Most years I had perfect attendance at
school. I still remember the name of
our family doctor in Laramie. It was Dr.
Storey. However, that was not true of the dentist. I remember going to Dr. McCalla, I don't know
if that is the correct spelling. I was
deathly afraid of the dentist and my teeth were always a problem. Old-time dentistry was awful. I never did get braces and I needed them
because my crooked bottom teeth in the front knocked against the top ones and
eventually wore away the roots. If we had implants then, I would have needed
them, as it was, later in my life the dentists kept trying to replace just the front teeth
which never really worked. Anyway,
thanks to modern dentistry, I am now OK.
Did you have a favorite place to eat out as a child? What did you order?
Oh Corina, we almost NEVER ate
out when I was a child. The only
restaurant I remember eating at was once when we went to the Diamond
Horseshoe. It was on the highway a
little way out of town and was the only nice restaurant around Laramie. It must have been a special occasion, as we had
to be celebrating something. I was such
a picky eater, I can't imagine that I could order from the menu. And, Dad was tight with the money, so I'm
sure I didn't order something expensive.
That was probably in the 1950's or sometime after the war ended in
1945. When Wally and I started dating in
1956 he took me to a place downtown to eat.
The family legend goes that I ordered shrimp and didn't know not to eat
the tails. When I tried that, I said "I
like them" although I'm sure I didn't end up eating them. Laramie had so few places to eat then. My girlfriends and I used to go to the Connor
Hotel Coffee Shop once in a while, Wally took me to the Buffalo [something]
Cafe, and we only had one drive-in called the Big Buy, a takeoff on the Big Boy
chain. That was really the olden
days. Here we are now with everything
and anything that we could want to eat.
I love it as I don't like to cook just for me. My favorite places to eat are: In 'N Out Burgers, Zupa's, Kneader's,
Olive Garden, Red Lobster, Corner Bakery, Taco Bell, Five Guys, Firehouse Subs,
and that's about it. Beth and I go out
to lunch at least once a week. It gets
boring eating the same things, but It beats cooking.
Question: Did you and your mother share any special
No, Mother and I never shared any
special interests. She was born in 1903
and was not a sharing or creative-type person.
She was smart; she was valedictorian of her high school class in Basin,
WY and received a scholarship to the University of Wyoming. She got her
Lifetime Teaching Certificate by going to summer schools and teaching in
the winters at Otto, WY. She liked poetry.
In the Laramie Ward she served as president of the Primary and the Relief
Society for long periods of time. She
was in the Cheyenne Stake MIA after I left home. She was also president of the Stanton School
PTA for several years. She was a
remarkable cook; we had homemade bread, scones, pies, noodles, you name
it. She was reliable and while I was in
school she was always there when I got home.
Later, she taught for five years at Harmony School, about 20 miles west
of Laramie. She was almost 45 years old
when Beth was born on the last day of 1947.
That was hard. Dad was little help as he was always busy with his
projects, so she kept the family going.
She was soft spoken and rarely raised her voice. The only arguments I ever heard were about
the farm at Cowley that Dad and Uncle Jack bought from Grandma and Grandpa
Lythgoe. She always looked nice. I think I got that trait from her. She took care of her skin and sold Ex-Cel-Sis
cosmetics for some years. They were made
in Salt Lake City. She was frugal
although not like Dad. When she started
working, she bought sterling silverware and nicer furniture for the house.
Sometimes I think I didn't really know her very well. Someday I will know her better. But, I am thankful for all she did for me
growing up.
Question: How would you describe your sense of humor?
Question: How would you describe your sense of humor?
I don't think I have much of a
sense of humor. Life is hard and we have
to take it seriously. Most comedy
escapes me. Maybe I just don't get
it. Once in a while in a movie something
will be funny, but usually not so much.
I do like a good joke. My classmate Pat Wade used to email jokes once a
week to all of us. I enjoyed them and think it's good to laugh. Some of them were really funny. I remember getting turned off of comedy routines
when they became dirty and/or negative about everything especially about bodily
functions and specific groups of people.
Jokes about dogs and cats are OK because they can be really funny, but
to ridicule other people or one's husband/family (like Joan River's did) isn't
funny to me. Life's ironies can be funny
or maybe a better word is strange. A
good book may have funny things happen to the characters. Sometimes just plain happiness can be
considered fun/ny. When I was growing
up, I always read the funny papers on Sunday.
I don't remember them being funny.
Then, funny books became popular, but they weren't funny either. So to wrap this up, it's good to have a sense
of humor, but life is about making choices that make your life better. Most of them are serious choices that require
thoughtful deliberation. So deliberate
on this: It’s hard to explain puns to kleptomaniacs because they always take
things literally; and this: Atheism is a non-prophet organization. These are all over the Internet, so if you
get bored look there just for fun.
Question: Who was the person who had the most positive
influence on your life?
Well, this is a no-brainer. It was, is, and always will be Grandpa
Wally. When I met him at 17, I knew
nothing, had almost no life experience, and had no idea about where I wanted my
life to go. He on the other hand, knew
everything about everything. At least
that's what we always thought. He was
knowledgeable on many subjects, especially about nature, rocks, animals,
people, history, machinery, cars, tools, geography and lots of other
things. He was always thinking about
something new and working on ideas and inventions. He was ahead of his time in so many
ways. He was the best petroleum engineer
ever as everyone knew who ever worked for him.
He solved problems. All this is good but what affected my life the most
was his positive attitude. He never had
a negative thought. That was his real
power. He lived as though there was no
tomorrow because today was all he needed.
He was my mentor, my helper, my friend and my example of how to treat
others. He always put me first. I have
said before, because he was an only child, I think his greatest desire was to
have his own family. You all were his greatest blessing. He loved you so much. I am sitting here listening to Anne Murray
sing "You Needed Me." Listen
to those words and you will know without a doubt who had the most positive
influence on my life. I love that song! There will never be another person quite like
Wally although I see lots of those same qualities in Jordan. You are blessed, Corina.
Question: Do
you remember your childhood address?
Yes, I remember both addresses of
the houses I grew up in. The first was
the house where I was born at 615 Flint Street.
The second was 1322 Sully—both located in north Laramie. I have written
about these houses in My Life Story--So
Far and will include some of it here. In my pre-adolescent years I shared a
bedroom in the basement with Frank. It
was pink and dark. The furniture was
old—nothing matched, it only had one window and the small closet was under the
stairway. Frank had metal bunk beds and
I slept in a full sized bed with sagging springs. On the positive side, Dad hand-laid the oak
wood flooring which was nice. When Joyce got married in July 1948, I moved
across the laundry room to the other bedroom downstairs with Velna. Beth was still a baby and slept in Mom and
Dad’s bedroom upstairs. The front
bedroom in the basement was nicer and brighter as it had two windows out of the
ground and was painted a soothing aqua color. The Flint Street house was built in the
1930’s. The front of the house had a
nice wooden porch and wide stairs. The
front door opened into a tiny living room with a couch, chair, and a
combination RCA radio and 78 rpm record player.
The walls were covered with a very non-descript wallpaper—and it really
was just paper. I remember every detail of that house. In the summer of 1952 we moved to 1322
Sully—I was in 8th grade that fall.
When Velna left to attend college at BYU it meant, at least for a few
months, that I had a bedroom in the new house on the first floor by
myself. The room was small. On the street side were two side-by-side
double-hung windows. I believe the walls
were a rose color again and the woodwork was white. It had a nice walk-in closet on the inside
wall. The Sully house was a step-up from
Flint Street . On the west and north sides it was two
stories high. On the east and some on
the south it was mostly one story with a basement. It had blue aluminum siding and white wooden
windows. The original owner, an electrician named Ragsdale, wired the house
with a panel in the main bedroom that controlled all the lights in the
house. That was very modern for
1950. I was always proud of that
Where have you always wanted to travel?
There's two places that I always
wanted to travel. The first is to
Israel; the second is to Australia and/or New Zealand. I always thought Wally and I would go to
Israel, but it was not a priority and we just didn't plan well enough to save
up the money. After we got older, long
trips became too much. We had two
wonderful trips to Europe in 1981 and 1988 while we were young enough to enjoy
them; and once to Japan to pick up Andy from his mission and again to move him,
Debi and Carlos back to the United States.
Our first European trip started in Germany where Wally had a consulting
job for a company there, then we went to Salzburg, Austria for a few days; then
we flew to London where we started with a touring company. That took us to France, Austria, Italy and
Switzerland. It's hard to keep that trip
separate from the one in 1988 when Julie and Wynona went with us. On that second trip we included Spain which
was great. A travel agent in Denver
planned this trip and did a wonderful job of getting us more into the culture
as he was a naturalized American originally from Germany. We rode the train or
rented cars. That was my favorite trip. Wally
and Wynona went home from London while Julie and I spent a few days in England
touring the countryside. Julie was just
18, but she drove the car on the wrong side of the road as they do there. She was great. Our first trip to Japan was good, mostly
because Andy spoke fluent Japanese. We also went to Hong Kong which was a real
experience. Andy had asthma so bad he
couldn't breathe so we skipped Singapore and went straight to Hawaii to meet
Annett, Jay and Julie. The second trip to Japan was painful with Wally and Andy
leaving first and Debi, Carlos and me following later.
Question: What did you do on a typical Saturday as a child?
A typical Saturday as a child
included many things or sometimes no things.
Mostly, it seems to me, we got ready for Sunday. Sometimes Mother had me dust the wood floors
on my hands and knees around the edges of the carpet. That was not fun. Sometimes I dusted the furniture, but I
didn't do that much to help with the housework.
She taught me how to clean the bathroom which I still remember. Sometimes we went to Safeway in downtown
Laramie to shop for groceries. What I
remember most is going to the movies in the afternoon with Frank and
others. I remember it cost a dime, a
nickel and an penny, 16 cents. We always
had a little money for candy. In the
summers we played games outside like kick the can or hide and go seek around
the neighborhood, or whatever we could think of. Looking back now, life seemed so simple. We could play in the streets after dark
without any worry. I started doing my
own laundry when I was about 12, so sometimes I washed my clothes in the
washing machine with the wringer and then did my ironing. It was years before
automatic washers came along. All the
clothes required ironing. Aren't we glad
now that not everything requires ironing?
Question: What is the very first thing you learned to
I never really learned to
cook. I was oblivious as they say. The first time I remember trying to cook was
when I invited Wally, Lynn Taylor and Janet Henberg over to our house in
Laramie to eat. I was 17 years old. I think
Mother fixed the main course, but I tried to make Jello and even that was a
failure as it didn't go set. The first
week Wally and I were married after our honeymoon, he brought me a pheasant to
cook that he had shot. I told him no and
he took it to his mother. I eventually
learned to cook by carefully following the recipe which I still do. I was never a wonderful cook but I learned
enough to get by. It's funny, now my
favorite shows on TV are cooking shows.
I think one of the reasons is because they are not violent or R-rated. The Barefoot Contessa and Pioneer Woman are
my favorites. Those shows have made me
more aware of how to cook but I still don't enjoy it and don't really cook
much. I haven't cooked for company for
years. Christmas dinner in 2013 with
Beth here was an attempt at cooking but didn't turn out, so that was the end of
that. I can make soup and casseroles like
a pro, but mostly now I just defrost.
Question: Would you consider yourself creative?
I found this quote on lds.org:
Question: Would you consider yourself creative?
No, I don't really consider myself creative. I know I am left brained which is the more
methodical, logical, need to know ahead of time type of person. Things need to
be planned. However, my interior design
passion has elements of creativity. I
always consider the facts first; budget, existing color, must stay
items, personal likes, etc. Then, I look
for creative ways to bring everything together.
Lately I have been thinking really neutral with only bits of color (that
is if I could start over). Browns are
gone for now (except for shades of hardwood flooring, carpet is out) and white
is coming on strong again along with the grays we see on TV decorating
shows. My sandwich server collection
gives me the ability to be creative with color in my apartment. Perfection is another consideration. In a perfect world everything could be done
to perfection. In decorating it is possible
with enough money and experience to know how to do it. Still personal taste will always be a
variable. I believe I could decorate to perfection if I had the right
conditions. As it is, I am able to take
my personal likes and dislikes and make them work. Long ago I learned that if I like it that's
all that matters. When I majored in English with a writing emphasis in college,
I soon learned I was not a creative writer.
So I added business communications along with English writing. It was the perfect combination. I can still write correctly but don't have to
write fiction. I can't draw or do drama;
I don't enjoy doing anything artistic free hand. Now, it's all about the computer and I wish I
knew how to do it with creativity. I
will just have to leave it to you, Corina.
What is the scariest thing that has ever happened to you?
(1) One of the scariest thing in my life was falling from the top of
a ladder to the ground and ruining my knee.
When I hit the ground my knee was totally out of the socket. I went immediately into shock and the kids
called Grandpa Wally. He rushed home
from work, gave me a blessing, and called an ambulance. It was another six or eight hours until I saw
the doctor during which time I had no pain medicine. By that time blood clots were forming in my
leg. The hospital and doctor situation in
Casper was poor. The next day I had
surgery and Dr. Nastasi stapled the ligaments or tendons to the bone. I was four months in a cast from the top of
my hip to the end of my toes. When it
was removed I had no muscle at all in that leg.
I started swimming at the YMCA in Casper and eventually was able to walk
almost normally. It hurts to write about
it even now. (2) For many years I have
had a memory of hiding from someone who was following me at night as I was
walking home by myself when I was about 13 years old. I don't know if it's real or not. It's kind of a shadow memory I have repressed
or it didn't happen at all. (3) I remember two storms where I was so
scared. One I was driving to Utah out of
Casper on black ice in the fog. The
other Annett was driving over the mountains in Colorado to Utah in a snow storm
with bald tires that wouldn't go up the hills.
Both times I prayed constantly to myself and miraculously we were
helped. (4) Finally, I was scared when
Grandpa died at your folk's house in Castle Rock. I had never been alone, without him, ever, it
seemed. I felt every pain of grief
possible including fear. I always
thought we would go at the same time but we didn't and here I am still. He was with me for a while helping me with my
grief and sorrow. I'm glad now he died
and didn't have to suffer any more than he already had.
What things have you made that others have enjoyed?
▶My scripture summary books have been an
endeavor to help my children learn the scriptures the easiest way. I don't think they read them though. So much of the Old Testament is hard to understand and often the words are
repeated over and over. And I include
helps and explanations from church manuals, scholars and modern church
authorities. I still study them almost
every day. It is interesting how much I
have learned from my summaries of The Four Gospels this year as we have been
studying the New Testament. I have also
summarized Revelation to make it easier and more understandable. My most difficult project was summarizing the
66 chapters of Isaiah. Chapter 53 is my
personal favorite chapter in the Old Testament. His words are beautiful but not
always clear. Throughout Isaiah, he goes
from his time to the birth of the Savior, to the millennium almost without
stopping. I had a good background for
Isaiah as I had already done The Pearl of Great Price and the first half of the
Old Testament up thru 1 Samuel in 2010.
I finished The Last Twelve Prophets of the Old Testament in 2013. ▶Also, Grandpa and I have built or remodeled
numerous apartments and houses, or
finished basements which have always
been for someone else, except for this last one where I am now living. I always knew our work and money would not
benefit us as much as it would others, but it wasn't about the money, it was
about my passion. It was hard work, but
we learned with each new experience and that no one can take away from
you. It was all worth it. I have done
painting, wallpapering, tiling, dry wall skim coating and taping and
furniture refinishing. Grandpa did what
we couldn't afford to hire done. Together
we were awesome.
What have been your hobbies throughout your life?
I have always been a collector.
I think I was born with that trait.
I collected stuff from school and other memorabilia as a child and made
at least one scrapbook. As an adult the
first thing I remember collecting was Indian treasures from our store in
Casper. We had some really nice things
which I lost interest in and gave to my children. In Denver I became interested in dolls, especially the old
porcelain dolls originally made in France and Germany before World War I. They were way too expensive to buy, so I took
classes and learned to make reproductions.
I did everything except make the clothes. I got pretty good at painting the faces. It was an expensive hobby, but lots of
fun. That was killed by all the cheap doll
reproductions made in China that flooded the market. I still have a few dolls in a drawer in my bedroom. I also started collecting nativities while in
Denver. When we moved to Texas, I had
lots of fun collecting anything apple themed for my kitchen. When we moved to Utah, I sold all my apple
stuff at our estate sale. In Utah I
found a treasure trove of glass items at Deseret Industries and started
collecting milkglass. It wasn't as
pretty as the transparent glass of the Depression Era so I sold it on eBay. After Grandpa died, I needed a new hobby and
the rest is history. I have over 400
sandwich servers/center handle servers in my collection, all bought on eBay. I
still love this hobby. They are so
beautiful and fun to have if a bit overwhelming because of the sheer volume. Corina, I want you to have them to sell for
me on eBay. It takes lots of work, but
some of them are pretty rare. Don't just
give them away for nothing unless you want to donate them to the The Museum of
Glass in West Virginia. I will continue
to collect them until I die. Now it's
hard to find something I don't already have at a price I can afford.
What kinds of musical instrument have you learned to play?
I always knew my best musical instrument was my voice. I could sing well. I took lessons over the
years and gained some skill. In the early part of my life I did lots of singing
and I directed groups starting with the "singing mothers" in Lovell
when I was in my twenties. I sang in the Wyoming State Choir in Casper when we
went to Mexico City to perform two concerts in a huge building that was built
for the Olympics. While we were
rehearsing there, we were in an earthquake.
I could tell something was wrong when the large chandelier over our
heads started swaying back and
forth. It didn't do any damage there but
right by our hotel in the city, bricks from some of the buildings fell into the
street. I also directed a stake musical
in Casper. It had a cast of sixty people
and I was not really qualified to do it, but the Lord does provide. I was ward
choir director and music chairman in Littleton for years. That was a difficult calling. Talent was sparse and support
was lacking.
I took piano lessons for about six years from Miss McKay as a kid in
Laramie but didn't practice much. As an
adult I took piano again and got some added skill and enjoyment from it. The most fun though was playing the
organ. We bought a big Wurlitzer with
foot pedals and I took lessons for a while.
Like other things that I think I want to accomplish, it didn't last.
Other more pressing things got in the way.
Becoming a musician takes years of practice and dedication and I never
had that discipline. I took two
semesters of music theory at Casper College and two of Music History. I'm glad I did it. In my later life I lost all interest in
performing, but I do enjoy listening to good music.
What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?
The most embarrassing things are all about my failures and that is
too painful to even remember much less write about. Some of my embarrassing
moments I felt for years.
I found this quote on lds.org:
“Please don’t nag
yourselves with thoughts of failure. Do not set goals far beyond your capacity
to achieve. Simply do what you can do in the best way you know how and the Lord
will accept your effort.”—President Gordon B. Hinckley, "Rise to the
Stature of the Divine within You."
I think early on in my life I did what President Hinckley
advised: I did what I did best to the
best of my ability and it was usually enough. After a few colossal failures, I
remember making a conscious decision not to set myself up for failure again if
I could help it. I know that is playing
it safe, but that's what I needed then. That
doesn't mean I had a fear of failure, I just liked success lots better. And, Grandpa brought enough challenge to our lives with his
restless spirit. He was always thinking
of new and interesting places to be and things to do. All my siblings and my
husband were college graduates. So, I
struggled with that failure. When your
mother started college at Metro in Denver, I decided I would start too. And I did.
I had enough credits from Northwest Community College at Powell, WY and
some from Casper to qualify as a sophomore.
Three years later I graduated with a 3.9 grade point average and a double
major. I was almost 50 years old. My
senior year I received a Colorado Scholar scholarship. It paid for all my tuition that last year.
Question: What was the most
stressful experience that you ever lived through?
My most
stressful experiences were due to Grandpa's hip problems. He got his first hip replacement in the early
1990's. It kept popping out of the joint
which meant calling the ambulance, emergency room, sedation, popping it back in
and waiting for it to happen again. The
next year, he had to have that repaired.
After four hip replacements and none successful, I don't remember how
many times we had to go to emergency to get it fixed. When he died in 2003, he had just had another
episode and the doctors told him he needed the last one done over. He couldn't have survived another major
operation, so he was spared that. -- A second stressful time was the years of
1993-94. We were in Houston and Grandpa
started working for a company called Ceiba from Vancouver Canada. They falsely hired him to drill on a parcel
of land located in Guatemala. He was
excited and had several trips there to prepare.
Subsequently, we discovered they were lying about any drilling activity and
were using his resume to sell stock on the Vancouver exchange in their bogus
company. He had a contract with them for
$8,000/mo salary. However, they never
paid him. They strung him out with a
little here and a little there, just enough to live on. We had to drive to Denver every month where
they had their US office to get any money at all. We finally hired a (bad) lawyer in Houston
and settled it for $100,000 of which the lawyer got one third for nothing. We
had to agree to monthly payments over three years. It was a bad deal. Then, we moved to Dallas
where Grandpa had another job with another crook. What a nightmare. At least they paid him enough to live on and
I loved Dallas. Finally in November 1997, we came back to Utah to help Grandpa
Volney (95 yrs. old). Grandpa Wally turned
65 in March 1998 and was eligible for Social Security which I am still
collecting. We lived in Dad's Orem condo
until he died in 2000 when we moved here to Cedar Hills.
Question: Were there any fads during your youth that you remember vividly?
Fads? Are
you kidding? I was a teenager in the
1950's. That was the period of mid-century
modern style. Furniture was no frills, very sleek, made with steel or wood
(think IKEA). Kitchen tables were chrome as were the chairs with plastic
upholstered seats. Formica table tops and countertops were the newest modern
thing. Drive-in movies were popular even though Laramie was still in
the dark ages. Dancing was mostly with a
partner and the jitter bug was just breathing it's last gasp (it started in the
1940's.) I never had one, but poodle
skirts were supposedly popular. Levi's for girls were really boys—jeans for
girls were non-existent. Sweaters were
made by Jantzen and everyone knew the girls who wore them. (They were the
popular ones.) We wore skirts and blouses with black and white saddle oxfords
WITH bobby socks to school. The white
had to be polished at least once a week.
And, I pin curled my hair with bobby pins every night when I was in high
school. Cars were big and had fins. I found this on the Internet: "1950s cars were some of the most
classic, powerful and unsafe (no seat
belts) cars ever driven. The modern designs and acceleration abilities were
getting more and more amazing every year. If you ask someone who loves classic
cars what their favorite car is, 8 times out of 10 they’ll say ’57 Chevy."
is so true. I still love those now
vintage cars. Grandpa had a green '53
Olds 88 when we got married in 1956 that we had for many years before we bought
a used 1960's Chevy Impala. Ant farms,
hula hoops, coonskin caps, Black Jack chewing gum, and bubble gum cigars didn't
appeal to me, but were part of the fads of my day. Though I'm not sure the fads of today are any
better: TV, video games, laptops, iPhones, iPads, iPods. You get the idea. At least we were not just staring at a
Question: How many years
of education have you completed?
have written about my college years in My
Life So Far. For elementary school,
grades 1-6, I attended Stanton School in Laramie. The school is gone now and in its place is an
apartment building, so they say. Laramie
High School was just about five blocks straight up the street from Stanton
School. The building covered a whole
city block and was grades 7-12. The
building was big inside and I still have dreams about my locker not working, I
can't find it, I don't know where my classroom is, etc. It's funny what one remembers from those
impressionable years. Now about college
I wrote:
--Ever since I can
remember, I wanted to go to college. I planned and saved money my whole senior
year in high school so I could attend BYU in the fall. I had my acceptance, my tuition paid, and my
housing assignment all settled. However,
after a six week start in Provo, I knew that college would have to wait. My life was about to take another path when
on October 28th of that year Wallace Averett and I got married. I was barely 18 years old.
In 1985 at
age 47, I was scared, but I enrolled at
Metropolitan State College in downtown Denver (right along with your mom, Julie).
--During my Metro years I was
initiated into, the Golden Key National Honor Society, “[in] recognition of
scholastic achievement and excellence.”
I was a Colorado Scholar recipient for 1987-1988, a scholarship program that paid the tuition
for my last two semesters at Metro. I
was on the President’s Honor roll in 1986-87 and 1987-88 for “an outstanding
grade point average.” I was also a
member of The Society of Professional Journalists Sigma Delta Chi
organization. My (double major in
English and Communications) degree was granted Summa Cum Laude (with high honors) on May 15, 1988. My class had over 1700 graduates that year.
the end, education is about learning and being the best you can be at whatever
you choose. We have to find the tools
wherever we can to make our lives better and happier. Learning is not about college--it should be a
lifelong goal. Then, if along the way,
you find wisdom as well as knowledge, you will also find your
place in the world. I have—and it’s a
good place to be.
Is there anything you have always wanted to do, but haven't?
I don't believe there is anything I always wanted to do but
haven't. Well, maybe, travel the Holy
Land or go to the American Museum of Glass in West Virginia. As I look back from the perspective of 76
years, my life has been great. I had
parents who raised me the best they knew how.
There was never abuse and very little punishment or harsh words. I found the love of my life when I was 17
years old. He was the best husband and
father anyone could ask for. I never did
anything big that I was ashamed of and I
always knew I was a child of God. I have
had many nice places to live over the years.
Now, I have lived in this apartment in Cedar Hills for nearly 15 years—a
place I can call home and do whatever I want to with. It is great for me with my own back entrance,
my place in the garage for my car, my garage entrance, nice size rooms, a small
but efficient kitchen with new granite countertops, stainless steel sink, and
appliances that work. I have two
bedrooms. I love my bedroom with the
wall of glass trays, two closets and my soft bed and bedding. The jetted tub and large shower in the
bathroom with its "inside" window is perfect. And, I have a storage room with shelves for
my stored glass. I have decorated with
my beautiful clear but mostly colored trays according to the seasons. And, I have the Church, the true Gospel of Jesus
Christ, and my scripture study, which I enjoy.
Everything we need to know about life is in the scriptures just waiting
for us to find it. I read lots of books
on my iPad and can search the Internet on the computer for anything and
everything I need or want. I love my PT Cruiser car, now 14 years old but going
strong. I don't drive much but it gets
me around town wherever I need to go. I
have Beth to do activities with and the family upstairs if I should get into trouble. Thank you, thank you, thank you Lord.
your wedding proposal.
My wedding proposal.
It was so long ago. It was more
of an assumption than a proposal. I was
at BYU, a new freshman. It was a
difficult transition because of my housing and my roommates—no room and no
mates. After six weeks, Wally came to
campus for a weekend visit. He had just
received his draft notice from the Army after his college deferment ended
because he graduated in August from the University of Wyoming in [petroleum]
Engineering. We had been dating since
February. He was 23 and I was 18. The future looked murky. I didn't like school and he didn't like going
into the army. What we did like was each
other. It was love. We spent every moment together in Provo that
we could considering the strict curfew rules of the dorm. I have no memory of how it actually happened,
but we both decided to get married right away.
We went to Salt Lake and bought a wedding ring with diamonds all the way
across the band. Those diamonds were
later set in my wedding ring that Annett wears on her right hand now. Wally went home to Lovell, I packed up and
went back to Laramie. I had two showers
in Laramie, Mother bought me a wedding dress, and we planned a reception at the
church. The next week on October 28, 1956, with his parents and Aunt Blanche in
attendance, and my sister Joyce from Lovell, we were married by the bishop in a
small ceremony at home. We had until
December 10th in Lovell together, then Wally left for basic training at Fort
Ord, California. He wrote every day and finally in March, we were together
again on our way to Ft. Eustis, Virginia where we spent the next year and nine
months (until December 10, 1958) of his two-year obligation. Thank goodness it was peacetime. No war to worry about. The rest is history.
was the favorite place you ever visited and what was it like?
I have so many favorite places. However, my favorite place is right here, Utah Valley. The mountains are high and the scenery is
beautiful everywhere you look. I am
blessed to live in such a place as this.
If I were to describe the most fabulously beautiful place I have ever
been it would be St. Peter's Basilica at Vatican City in Rome. For one thing, it is huge. Marble is everywhere on the floors and the
walls. Small chapels for worship are
built into the walls on the sides and the nave soars to great heights down the
middle. Also along the walls I remember the Michelangelo statue Pietà
carved from Carrara marble. Mary is holding the crucified Christ in her
arms. She is draped in robes so
intricately carved it almost seems real.
That was just one of many statues there.
Here is one description of the building from the Internet: "The building itself is
truly impressive. The largest church in the world, it has a 211.5 meter long
nave (694 ft.). The basilica's dome is one of the world's largest measuring 42 meters
(137.8 ft.) in diameter and reaching 132.5 meters high (more than 434 ft)."
Then we visited the Sistine Chapel there at the Vatican with
the ceiling painted by Michelangelo. I
can't begin to describe it but here is one description found on the Internet:
to the ceiling decoration are nine scenes from the Book of Genesis of
which The Creation of Adam is the best known, having an iconic
standing equaled only by Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa, the
hands of God and Adam being reproduced in countless imitations."
Rome itself was filled with history and much to see. I loved it.
We also saw the Mona Lisa at the
Louvre in Paris.
What pets have you had?
What pets have you had?
For this memory I have to go back a long way. When I was growing up the only pet I remember
was Bo. He was a white bulldog. I know he grew old when I was fairly small. My oldest sibling, Joyce, was ten years older
than I, so we could have had him a long time. My main memory of him was when he died. Dad made a wooden box out of boards and we
took him straight north of our house, past Stink Lake (later called LaBonte
Park) up to W hill and buried him there.
Dad made a marker and we visited the grave many times before we moved to
the Sully house. Frank and his friends
used to hike around there. The last time
I was in Laramie, that area was covered with new housing. Frank had two white Husky dogs that died of
distemper. Later we got Carp (short for
Carpenter because he did odd jobs around the house). He was some sort of a red Cocker Spaniel dog,
I think. I never got attached to him and
he was still there when I got married.
My most treasured dog was TJ or Tyrannous Josephinus. She was a small red Pomeranian we bought in
Casper. She was my dog, my pet, my
friend and my companion. When she died I
had to quit school at Metro in Denver to grieve. I watched the little path in the grass around
our townhouse disappear over the summer.
After that the family bought me a white Pom but I never got attached
before we had to sell her because we sold the townhouse and moved where dogs
were not allowed in Littleton. Now I have Addie's cat that adopted me, and Alex
and I share Gizmo, the most wonderful Yorkie—Shitsu combination doggie
ever. He is the best doggie, I wouldn't
trade him for a million dollars which is what it's going to cost me if I keep having
him groomed and buying him his treats and deli turkey.
Question: Where did you go on your first date with your
We kind of
didn't have a first date. It's hard to
remember now, but since I worked from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. at the Wyo Theater, he
just started showing up at 9:30 to take me home. We always dated with his
roommate, Lynn Taylor, and my friend who worked at the theater with me, Janet
Henberg. I know after Janet and I quit
the Wyo, we spent every spare moment with Lynn and Wally until school was out
for them at the university in the spring of 1956. They went with us to our senior prom and also
graduation from high school. When Lynn
left for the summer, he and Janet broke up and he ended up enlisting in the
Naval Cadets stationed in Mobile, Alabama where he met Bert (later
divorced). We had so much fun as a
foursome. I remember we went on picnics,
hikes, dances (Jimmy Dorsey at the university), movies, drives to Cheyenne and
Ft. Collins, and even the dog races in Loveland, Colorado (later in the summer). We did everything we could think of for
fun. Wally and his mother were both
going to summer school that year and Wally graduated from the College of
Engineering in August. We dated every
night and really fell in love. I didn't
know anything about love and didn't think I would ever marry him. I was blessed
beyond my understanding at the time as Wally was the best man I could have
chosen. But, I think, he really chose
me. Looking back that was the biggest miracle of my life.
Question: What has been your favorite vacation?
Question: What has been your favorite vacation?
It's hard to
answer this question. But, one vacation
comes to my mind. After we picked up
Andy from his mission in Fukuoka, Japan, we went to Hong Kong but, because of
Andy's asthma, we ended up skipping Singapore and went straight to Hawaii. Annett, Jay and Julie met us there and we had
a nice vacation. I believe it was 1979, Annett was in college at BYU. She was very responsible and old enough to get
Jay and Julie there safely. We had
rented a large villa on Maui that was totally wonderful. I remember we went snorkeling from a boat and
had a great time. Andy was recuperating
from a difficult mission and we were so glad to be together. Later, when my sister, Velna, and
brother-in-law, Dwight, were living in
Honolulu one summer, I rented an apartment in their same complex for a month where
various family members and friends came and stayed. I also rented a Volkswagen car. We mostly
picnicked and went to the beaches. Wally
was working which was good, because it was expensive. I had several other trips to Hawaii, one with
Beth, Annett and family in their timeshare after Wally died, but my favorite
has always been the one in 1979. It was
all about our own little family, having fun, rest, and being together.
Question: What is the longest trip that you have ever
gone on?
I'm not sure
how to answer this. I have had short
long trips and long short trips, if you know what I mean. Probably my longest trip away from home was
when I went to Houston to dog-sit Jay
and Tammy's two doggies, Lucy and Lucky, when they were moving from Dallas to
Houston. Jay was working at his new job and they had purchased a brand new house in
Fulshear, TX but Tammy was still in Flower Mound trying to sell their home
there. After they closed on the house in
Fulshear, and moved some furniture in, Jay, the dogs, and I stayed there. The house was nice and new, they had a great
TV, Tammy filled the refrigerator with everything I liked and the dogs were fun
and sweet, especially Lucky, a big, black, gentle, rescue Rottweiler. Lucy was
insecure, so she came in the room where I was sleeping after Jay left in the
morning and got under the covers to sleep with me. I only got upset one time when Lucy dug under
the fence and escaped. I didn't know
what to do. I got in the car and drove
around the neighborhood. She was about three blocks away in someone's front
yard. When I opened the passenger door,
she ran and jumped in. Boy was I
relieved. Jay fixed the back yard so she couldn't dig out. Tammy came about
every other weekend and Sam visited from College Station a couple of times. We ate out, went to the movies, shopped and
went to Missouri City to see Jaylynn. I
stayed about two months before I got antsy to be home. Soon after I left they sold the house in
Flower Mound and Tammy moved to Fulshear.
It was a hard time for them but I really enjoyed being there with not
much to do but entertain myself, read books, shop on eBay, and take care of two
dogs. I used to go visit every year in the winter, but with my neuropathy it's
just too hard to travel. Sadly, Lucky
died a couple of years later. I'm sure
he is greatly missed.
Question: What organizations and
groups have you belonged to?
The most
obvious answer is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. That has been a constant in my life. I can only remember one time when I didn't go
to church. When Wally and I moved to
Virginia, right after we were married, where he was serving his time in the
Army. The nearest church was a long way from Newport News where we lived. I can't remember where it was now (Portsmouth
comes to mind). We did try to find it
and contacted the bishop but it was a time of transition for us and we didn't
pursue it. In Lovell I joined a
Homemaker's Club. All my friends were
members and we had a good time together.
I sang in the Lovell Women's Club Chorus, but mostly because my sister,
Joyce, got me to do it. I have mentioned
before singing in the Wyoming State Chorus when we lived in Casper. The only other organization I remember is the
Society of Professional Journalists while I was at Metro in Denver. I'm not really a club joiner although I
always thought I would be a supporter of the Cancer Society because Joyce died when she was 42 of breast
cancer. It is a good cause. I have been asked to join the Daughters of
the Utah Pioneers here but it isn't really of interest to me. I have attended various book groups in our
ward, but it isn't my thing. I like book
reviews and discussion and that isn't how they do it, so I read whatever I like
and sometimes publish a review on Amazon.
I have a blog that I am posting these questions and answers on. Blogging is now a popular way to express
yourself. I don't think I have any
followers, but that's OK. At least it's
"out there." I follow facebook
a little bit mostly to keep track of my family members. I hardly ever post anything there myself.
Describe a time and place when
you remember feeling truly happy to be alive.
How about
today. I was telling Beth, it is so nice
to get up in the morning and know that I can do anything I want to, or do
nothing, with my day. That is such a
blessing. Like today—I haven't decided
what my schedule will be, but I want to work with my glass that I still haven't
displayed in the bedroom, I want to clean my floors, I want to study the
scriptures, I want to read on my iPad, I want to exercise on the Aero-fit, and
I want to take care of the pets.
However, if I get too tired or involved with other projects, it can wait
until tomorrow (except for the pets). I
guess it's called freedom to chose what I do with my time. Probably the one occasion when I was happiest
to be alive was when Wally and I were together again after his three months
basic training in California when we were first married. And, after the birth
of each child, knowing they are healthy and normal, is an especially happy
time. Life is a gift. We are not here just to endure to the end but to try to be happy. It's really up to you to decide.
Question: Have you ever met any famous people?
Well, yes
and no. In the 1980's Wally and I ate at
a restaurant in Salt Lake. I can't
remember the name of it now, but it was like Benihana's where customers sit
around the table and a chef cooks the meal on the grill. We were sitting there eating and Robert
Redford walked in with his daughter and was seated at our table. It was about nine o'clock. Wally was oblivious, so I kicked him and nudged
him, trying to be casual, so as not to attract too much attention. We were almost finished eating, so we left
before they were served. It was
interesting. Redford is a small, short
man which was kind of surprising, but very handsome. I saw Gene Hackman in the Salt Lake airport
one time when I was there. He is a tall,
good-looking man. I remember him being in the movie The French Connection. Finally, I had my picture taken with Sean
Hannity before the Stadium of Fire one year.
Same with Glenn Beck when he spoke at the Freedom Festival. I still have the picture of our group with
Hannity, but the Glenn Beck picture
never materialized. Both were not
thrilling to Beth.
Question: What were the hardest choices that you ever
had to make? Do you feel like you made the right choices?
This one is
easy. When Grandpa died suddenly in 2003
I was pretty much lost. I had never been
single (so it seemed), lived alone, or had to depend only on myself. It was a time of shock, fear, loneliness,
self-pity, depression, despair, grief, pain and misery—all those emotions. I wanted to die too. I had gone to Texas with Jay and Tammy, but
couldn't cope, so Annett got me a plane ticket and I came home to Cedar Hills. The choice I had to make was to accept
Wally's death or to wallow in my grief and self-pity. (When I saw older couples together I felt
sorry for myself being a widow.) Annett
set me up with a counselor at Church Social Services and got me Prozac for my
depression. After three months of
grueling sessions, and one year on the drug, I was able to work through my
grief and decide that I was not just Wally's wife, but that I could have my own
identity as a single woman. I took the Prozac for about a year but had no
problem quitting. I went off it cold
turkey in one day. It only helps if you
need it and I didn't need it anymore. I
knew Wally was in a better place and that's what I chose for myself—a better
place here in our little apartment. That
choice made all the difference in my life.
I gradually became my own person and don't really remember how I felt as
part of a couple. It has been twelve
years. I am so grateful for my life
now. As I look back it has been a time of
growth, acceptance, and happiness. It's
not always easy, but it is worth the effort.
In general, looking back, I have had a great life. The pain is gone and I am able to be
emotionally healthy. I am truly blessed.
Question: Was there a chore you really hated doing as a
This is
going to sound crazy, but I really like to work. I always have. I like doing it and I like the result of
work. Not all work is fun. (That's a brilliant statement ha ha!) It's
true. As a child I have written before,
Mother had me dust around the edge of the carpet in the living room and the
dining room. The dining room was bigger
and the living room was small. The
dining room had a nice table and chairs that we ate at on special
occasions. What I remember most is that
I had to lay on my stomach to dust under that table and any chairs on that
side. We also had the piano in that
room. I don't know who did the housework
most of the time, but it wasn't me. I
cleaned my room downstairs that I shared with Frank, and later the room I
shared with Velna, but that was it. It's
funny that I can't remember Mother cleaning.
She didn't clean like I do, but it wasn't dirty either. It was a simpler time when we had less
stuff. All the rooms were small so it
was less work. I remember we had piles
of shoes and coats by the back door which I hated and Dad hung his work clothes
on hooks in the bathroom along with his shoes.
I never left unorganized piles of stuff anywhere. I have often wondered why I want everything
clean, organized, and put away. It was
born in me—it is just who I am.
Question: Do you remember your
family discussing world events and politics?
I was too
young during WWII to remember much about world events, but I can still remember
VE Day (victory in Europe) and VJ Day (victory in Japan). Dad, his Mother,
brothers, and sister Irene were staunch Democrats. It rubbed off on Beth and Velna too. Dad's sister, Aunt Melba and Uncle Lee
Nebeker, were Republicans. All I can
really remember about politics is when Dad and Uncle Jack got together they ranted
and raved about the Republicans. Dad didn't even want to accept Ezra Taft
Benson as President of the Church because he served as Secretary of Agriculture
for eight years under President Eisenhower. The Democrats of their day were the working
class. Now that is no longer true. It is true that some minorities love the
Democrats because they can get so much government money and don't have to work
unless they have been educated and helped to value work from their parents
example. I heard on the radio today that
a single mother in certain states can get money from up to six government
programs for an annual income of over $32,000. I am for self-reliance, smaller
government, a balanced budget, more freedom and less regulation, an equitable
tax system, and term limits for politicians.
I believe most elected officials are corrupt and vote according to their
own best interests. I'm kind of glad I
won't be around in 20 years to see the destruction that will come if we
continue on the same path as we are now.
This is one thing I can't be optimistic about. We desperately need honest men and women of
integrity who will serve the people not themselves in government. They are few and far between, I'm afraid.
Question: What were your favorite childhood games?
Games I
liked best in my childhood were the after dark neighborhood games: Run Sheep
Run, Kick the Can, and Hide and Go Seek.
I think we played Monopoly sometimes at home and of course, Rook the
card game. I was pretty good at Rook. Card games were the only games I was good at.
Wally taught me poker, hearts, spades, gin rummy and others after we were
married. I don't like competitive
situations and never have. When we lived
in Lovell, we played bridge with Orson and Katie Asay. We played with them so much that we had to
quit because everyone cheated. We belonged
to a pinochle group in Lovell that got together every month to play cards. It was fun and a nice bunch of people. When we moved to Cody, we found a new group,
mostly originally from Lovell, who played cards also. We only lived there 18 months before moving
to Casper. In Casper we did everything
with Kent and Rose Wolz. They were our
best friends and I'm sure we played games with them but I can't remember much
about that. Wally loved the game
Acquire. I know he played it with your dad,
Mike. Mike is competitive and is usually
a winner. Games nowadays come in all types
but I don't like to play any of them very much.
Question: What do you consider to be the most important
inventions in your lifetime?
During my
lifetime almost everything has changed because of inventions. I remember our first computer from the '80's. It was cutting edge and yet so primitive in
comparison to technology today. We had
the Internet when we didn't have the foggiest notion how to use it or why. That was even before Al Gore invented it
(that's a joke). Now everything at the
grocery store is scanned for price. That
means store inventory is tracked making supplies more readily available. All
banking is computerized. Virtually everything is on the computer and I do mean
virtually. Think of cameras. Who uses film to take pictures now? Images are all digital and stored and/or
printed on the computer. I have watched
the development over the years of what we earlier called the mobile phone. Wally had one in his car when he worked for
Mule Creek in the 1960's. Phones are not phones any more or just mobile, they
are called cell phones. They are
computers that do everything from taking video movies to checking your
email. Even the thought of texting on a
phone was unheard of a few years ago.
Listening devices can now contain hundreds of songs on an iPod. I still don't know much about iPads, but I
know I can read almost any book ever
written by downloading it on my computer from Amazon onto my iPad. I also use it on Sunday to pull up the lesson
manual, scriptures, Conference talks, church magazines and almost everything
else related to the church. That is miraculous.
What an age we live in.
Everything technologically speaking is wonderful. It boggles my mind just to think about
it. I'm sure many greater and more amazing
things will be invented in the future, but I can only imagine what they could
be. It won't really matter to me. The future belongs to the young of today. I hope they use it wisely.
Question: Do you remember having
a favorite nursery rhyme of bedtime story?
I'm trying
to think of any nursery rhyme or bedtime story from my childhood. They weren't big in our house. I remember Mother and Dad bought a set of
encyclopedias that came with a series of books for children called the Junior
Classics. Each book was a different color. They were always there in the little
bookcase your mom has now. I wonder what happened to them. As a child I looked
through them and read some of the stories.
In our house it was more about music.
Joyce was a wonderful musician.
She had a master's in voice from the University of Wyoming. She was always playing the piano and
singing. That's what we did, sing while she
played. I remember listening to 78rpm
records on our RCA record player. We had
an album with two young girls on the
cover. I sang along with the music over
and over. Songs I remember include: Playmate,
I don't want to play in your yard, The little red school house and others
long lost from memory. Here's some of the words to Playmate and I don't want to play in your yard found on the Internet:
Hey, hey, oh playmate,
Come out and play with me.
You'll bring your dollies three,
Climb up my apple tree.
Cry down my rain barrel,
Slide down my cellar door.
And we'll be jolly friends
Forever more.
Come out and play with me.
You'll bring your dollies three,
Climb up my apple tree.
Cry down my rain barrel,
Slide down my cellar door.
And we'll be jolly friends
Forever more.
I don't want to play in your
I don't like you anymore,
You'll be sorry when you see me,
Sliding down our cellar door,
You can't holler down our rain barrel,
You can't climb our apple tree,
I don't want to play in your yard,
If you won't be good to me.
I don't like you anymore,
You'll be sorry when you see me,
Sliding down our cellar door,
You can't holler down our rain barrel,
You can't climb our apple tree,
I don't want to play in your yard,
If you won't be good to me.
—I can still sing the melody to
these songs from long ago.
Question: Have you ever saved anyone else's life?
Question: When and where did you get
married? Describe your wedding ceremony.
Who was there:
The important ones were there—Grandpa and I. We got married at home (1322 Sully) in
Laramie. The bishop of the Laramie Ward,
Bishop Burnett, married us. Mother and Dad were there; Wally's folks, Stan and
Wynona from Lovell, and Stan's sister, Blanche Copenhaver from Butte, MT came.
My sister Joyce from Lovell, was there also. She sang and my cousin Gloria
Rollins played the piano. We had a
reception immediately following at the church with several of Mother's friends
helping. Janet Henberg was my maid of
honor and Ron Hansen was Wally's best man.
We had a wedding cake and other goodies.
After the reception, Wally's college buddies kidnapped me and drove me
around town in his parents car that was all dolled up with "Just
Married" written all over it and cans trailing from the back. It was supposed to be embarrassing, and it
was. The week before we got married, I had two bridal showers. One given by the Laramie Ward ladies and one
with my high school girlfriends. We went to Rawlins the first night then on to
Jackson Hole for several days as I had never been to the Tetons. Unfortunately, they were clouded over most of
the time. From there we went to Butte to
see Blanche and Lew (Stan's brother and sister). After our honeymoon, we lived in a small
place (Schmidt Apartments) in Lovell until December 10th when Wally left for
Ft. Ord, CA for his basic training. I
went back to Laramie where I was employed by Ivan Willey doing office work at
the University of Wyoming. It was a long
three months before I saw Wally again. After a few days in Lovell, we left for
Ft. Eustis, VA where he was assigned as a clerk at the base.
How is the world now different from what it was when you were a child?
I believe the world, our country and culture
is entirely different from when I was a child.
We are living in a society of moral relativism which Elder Dallin
H. Oaks describes as: "an increasing and influential group [of
people who] deny or doubt the existence of a God and insist that all rules of
behavior are man-made, to be accepted or rejected as one chooses, because there
is no such thing as right and wrong." (Address at the Argentina Council for Foreign
Relations (CARI) April 23, 2015.) Elder
Neal A. Maxwell wrote: "Decrease the
belief in God, and you increase the numbers of those who wish to play at being
God by being 'society’s supervisors.' Such 'supervisors' deny the existence of
divine standards, but are very serious about imposing their own standards on
society." I believe this
applies to abortion. Elder Maxwell also observed that we
invariably increase the power of governments when people do not believe in
absolute truths and in a God who will hold them and their government leaders
accountable. “The Prohibitive Costs of a Value-Free Society,” Ensign, Oct.
1978, 53,54.) Think about
the Ten Commandments: Thou shalt
have no other Gods before me; make no graven image; not take the name of thy
God in vain; remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy; honor thy father and thy
mother; not kill; not steal; not commit adultery; not bear false witness (lie);
not covet…any thing that is thy neighbors. Society now has many worldly gods; one cannot
watch TV without hearing His name taken in vain; the Sabbath Day is just
another day for shopping or entertainment to many; fathers are absent and
mothers are not honored by their children; hundreds of killings happen every
day; robbery and burglary are common
occurrences; in 2013, 40.6% of all births in the U.S. were to single women (Internet: Center for Disease Control and
Prevention); bearing
false witness means "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor;"
coveting is a cause of all the above. The breakdown of morals or
standards of behavior is a sign of the latter days. We must persevere in our quest to know and
serve God and His Son Jesus Christ. That
is our challenge, our joy, and our salvation.
Question: Did you have a
honeymoon? If so, where did you go?
I have
written before that we went to Jackson Hole to see the Tetons. The first night in Rawlins we went to a nice (I
remember it had cloth napkins) restaurant (owned by one of Velna's classmates
and Beverly Moyle's cousin, Betty Smith) and ate supper after driving from
Laramie. The next day we went to Jackson
Hole and stayed in a rustic, log-cabin type motel that was similar to the
Yellowstone Lodge Hotel in the park.
Unfortunately, it was October and the clouds hovered over the mountains
so you could hardly see them.
Nevertheless, we had fun taking drives to Yellowstone, into Idaho, and
shopping around Jackson. I had never
been there before, so that was nice for me.
In later years we bought a condo outside of Jackson with Ron Hansen and
Kent Wolz which we visited a few times.
When we sold it, it had doubled in value. After a few days there, we
drove to Butte, MT and stayed in a nice place while we visited Wally's Uncle
Lew and Aunt Blanche. They didn't know
what to think of me as I was just a young Mormon girl. They were baptized but never active in the
church. Lew drank whisky out of a bottle every day. They took us out to a nice
place to eat that specialized in steak which Wally loved. He had spent a semester in Butte (Montana
School of Mines) staying with them when he was in college so he knew lots about
the town. From there we drove back to
Lovell, moved into an apartment, and had six weeks together before he left for
the Army. I have written about that in My Life So Far. I was so young when I married, it's hard to
believe I did it. I remember thinking
right after the ceremony, "What have I done?" Life is so strange. I have always had someone looking out for me,
that's for sure. Again, thank you, thank
you, thank you Lord.
What is the most beautiful place
you have ever visited and what was it like?
I have
already written about St. Peter's Basilica and the Sistine Chapel at Vatican
City in Rome. Now, I'm thinking about nature's
most beautiful places on earth that I have seen—there have been so many. We lived within 50 to 100 miles of
Yellowstone Park and The Grand Tetons for ten years at Lovell and Cody, WY. Those parks are amazing. But now I am thinking of Mt. Fuji
in Japan rising out of the mist; the Alps of Austria and Switzerland with green
hills and mountains mixed with snowy white tops and valleys in October; all of
the U.S. Midwest also in October where the trees are colors of yellow, orange,
red and everything in between. That was
our trip with the kids and Wynona to Washington D.C. and Virginia in 1973 after
Granddad Stan died. I remember thinking
I wanted to paint those colors in our house, they were so beautiful. Somehow, those colors are not colors one
would use on walls of a house, they are too brilliant. And, I can't forget living in Calgary in
1966-67 where we could drive to Banff National Park in an hour and see the
mountain sheep right by the road, and Lake Louise where sometime later Wally
and I once stayed in the old hotel. On
Wally's and my last big trip before he died, we went to Washington, Oregon and
California in our new 2001 PT Cruiser. We saw the giant redwood trees that are
so huge you can't even imagine their size; we saw Mount Rainier in Washington
and Mount Hood in Oregon, both seen on our road trip. But, Wally loved the Pacific Ocean the
best. We stayed right on the beach in a
nice place and ate seafood every day. With
all that said, I still believe we live in the most beautiful place on earth
right here in Cedar Hills, UT. I have
ridden the ski lift at Sundance several times and the views from there are hard
to beat. When you see the back of Mt.
Timpanogos driving the loop from Alpine to Provo, nothing is more beautiful
than that—and it's home. Enough said.
Question: Have you ever saved anyone else's life?
No, but I
believe in miracles. When I read the book Proof of Heaven by Eben Alexander and how his life was saved
through divine intervention, it was another proof
that we have a loving Heavenly Father who cares for us and watches over
us. From the Internet I found this blurb
about the book: A Neurosurgeon's Journey
Into the Afterlife—
"A #1
New York Times Bestseller -- Thousands have had near-death experiences, but
scientists argue that they are impossible. Then neurosurgeon Eben Alexander's
brain was attacked by a rare illness. His recovery is a medical miracle--but
not the real miracle. While his body lay in coma, Alexander journeyed beyond
the physical world with an angelic being who guided him to the Divine source of
the universe. Reading his story will change your life."
When your
mom was just about to turn one year old, she got sick with pneumonia. Luckily, that morning I took her to Dr. John
Welch in Lovell. He immediately admitted
her to the hospital. That evening she
got so sick and was having a hard time breathing. She actually started turning blue from lack
of oxygen. Dr. John stayed with her all night.
She was getting oxygen and other medicines that kept her breathing. Slowly
over the next week, she got better. We celebrated her birthday in the hospital
on April 11th. I have always said, if she hadn't already been in the hospital
when she got so bad, we might have lost her.
It is easy to look back at that experience now because she has always
been with us. But at the time, we
couldn't imagine what the future might be without her. I know medicine played a big part in her
recovery, but I also believe in miracles from a loving Heavenly Father.
Question: What was grade school like? How did you get to school?
I'll answer
the second question first: we walked. It
was only three blocks and I can't remember EVER being driven to school even on
the worst cold, snowy days. On the very
first day of school in first grade (there was no kindergarten then) I spilled
all my new crayons out of the box at the front door and started crying. A teacher helped me pick them up and that
solved my problem. Second grade was a
snap. My third grade teacher was my
favorite. She was gentle and kind as I
remember. Fourth grade was HEdouble L. The teacher was a shrew and she didn't like
me. At one point I left and went home so
she expelled me. Mother took me to the
principal and got me reinstated. I had to stay in her awful class until the end
of the year. Fifth grade was great. I
was teacher's pet in the sixth grade with the principal who was also my
teacher. I got good grades but somewhere
along the way arithmetic (as we called it then) was never mastered. Even in college when I had to take Basic Math
it was hard to understand. I remember
being bored in reading as I was always ahead when we read aloud in class. I wasn't popular or good at playing games on
the playground. In sixth grade for P.E.
we learned dancing and performed for our parents. I was humiliated when my partner was Johnny
Alm because I was the tallest girl and he was the shortest boy. I suppose it
was determined alphabetically. I was the fourth of our family to attend Stanton
School, so we were well-known and mother was president of the PTA for a while,
and that helped. Remembering that time
is neither painful nor remarkable in any way.
We just did what we were told. We
respected the teachers and made friends as best we could. It wasn't a big deal. First grade
teacher, Miss White, second grade, Mrs. Iverson, third grade, Mrs. Ingham,
fourth grade, Miss Burris later married, Mrs. Gaines, fifth grade, Miss Parks,
sixth grade, Mrs. Muir.
Question: Were you given any
special awards for your studies or school activities?
In grade
school it wasn't like it is today.
Children today have all kinds of activities for which they can be given
special awards. I don't remember
anything like that in my elementary school years. I always got good grades and that was the
only ego boost I can remember. Junior
High and High School were a bit different.
I remember getting certificates in typing after reaching so many words
per minute; it was the same with shorthand (although I wasn't very good at
that). I do remember getting certificates
for perfect attendance in Junior High. The only special award I got in high
school was when I sang a solo at the music festival held every year. We had a really bad choral music teacher and
she didn't do well at the festival. When
I was a junior I was already taking voice lessons from Mrs. Mae Fern Jay and
she came to play for me at the festival.
I was the only soloist from Laramie who got the highest mark possible
which didn't sit well with our teacher, Miss Post. I sang a song called "The Winds in the
South" taken from the list of songs eligible for competition. I kept that sheet music for years before
finally letting go of it. Since I
finished high school at Christmas when I was a senior, I didn't compete again when
I was a senior as the festival is held in the spring and I was already finished
with my class work. Most of my school
honors were from college which I have already written about in this book.
Question: What was your least favorite
subject in school and why?
Well, let me
see--eek, I hated math or anything to do with it. I'm still bad at anything having to do with
numbers. I was trying to figure out how
much tax I owed to Pier One last week and I had to go upstairs and ask Annett
if I was figuring it right. I am
terribly handicapped when it comes to anything resembling math. I barely got through Algebra in high
school. My teacher was Miss Smith. I
remember it was my first class in the morning and I always got there early so I
could copy from a classmate or at least get some answers that were
correct. Geometry from Mr. Scarborough
was the same. I think I got the lowest
grade in that class of any other class I took, ever! How I passed, I don't know. I only got a good
grade in my only college general math class because I went to the teacher's
office every day for special help. I
also took one semester of Accounting which we all cheated on the final because
we had to take the test in the Library due to a power outage in our
classroom. I studied like crazy, but
didn't understand it. Hallelujah, I made
it through with only one of the two B's I got in college. All others were A's (just bragging). I am
good at anything to do with English and I loved my Communications and Literature
classes. Music was always fun for me as
our family was musical with Beth having a master's degree in music education
and Joyce a master's in voice. All three
sisters played the piano better than I did but I could sing better than Velna
or Beth although Beth has a nice voice. Joyce could have been a professional
opera singer, but chose marriage instead.
She had the best voice I have ever heard. Dad had a good voice and loved singing
although he never studied. He left high
school to help his brother Clinton on a mission to South Africa, and went back and finished when he was 21
years old.
Question: Did you like to play in
the water as a child?
Yes, I
always loved the water although Laramie had no pool I could swim in. I went to high school summer school at the
University of Wyoming when I was 13 years old, and took swimming classes. I learned to swim and dive from the side of
the pool. I loved it. While we were living in Lovell, the city
built a new pool. I took every class, taught
by Alyce Winterholler, necessary for a Lifesaving Certificate. It was hard as we had to dive to the bottom
and be able to stay down a certain amount of time. I also went to Byron and swam in their pool
at the high school in the winter with a group of ladies from Lovell. I remember
swimming in the ocean and catching the waves in both Hawaii and in France and
Spain. I have always been a swimmer. In
Orem, Wally and I went to the Orem Rec Center to swim and here in Cedar Hills,
I swam at Gold's Gym up until last year.
I can swim with the best of them and always beat the old men in the
pool. I have said my swimming days are
over, but we will see. Mostly, I don't
like how I look in a bathing suit now days, but also I worry about getting in
and out of the pool. My legs aren't strong
enough, I'm thinking. So, we will see.
New Question: From what country
did your ancestors migrate. When and
Where were they born? and where did they settle?
This is a
question that came from a Mason jar of questions that Velna gave me one year
for my birthday. I will substitute some
of these when I feel like I have already answered the question in your little
book. I have been copying some of the
ancestor's stories from Grandma Pearl's book, so this will be fun. Since this book is about me, I will only
cover the Blacks and Kings from my Dad's parents and the Sanders and Gribbles
from my Mother's side. George Black
(my great grandfather) was born in 1823 in Lisburn, Antrim, Ireland. After he was converted, he moved to Nauvoo
and crossed the plains ending up in Fillmore, Utah. The Kings go nine generations back to Samuel
Rice and Elizabeth King, born in Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire, England
around 1634-35. Later the King family settled
in Sudbury and Marlboro, Massachusetts having come to this country as
Puritans. Eventually, the family ended
up in Fillmore, Utah also. Christian
Sanders (my mother's grandfather, my great-grandfather) was born in 1850 in
Vindebaek, Fanesfjord, Praeste, Denmark.
He emigrated and crossed the plains to Utah and settled in "a place
called Cottonwood" (Salt Lake City).
Later the family colonized with others in the Big Horn Basin of
Wyoming. John Gribble, back five
generations, was born in 1788 in Crediton, Devonshire, England. He died in Payson, Utah. His son, William
Gribble was born in 1817, in Quebec, Canada. The family came to Nauvoo and
crossed the plains to Utah.
As I work on
the stories of these ancestors, I will learn more about their lives. They were all convert members of The Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
The immediate families all crossed the plains to Utah and some
eventually ended up in Wyoming and Idaho.
New Question: How
do you spend your time now? What do you
want to accomplish before your life is over?
I don't have
to do anything that I don't want to.
However, I want to do lots of things so here are a few: First, I want to study and know the
scriptures inside and out. They are what
keep me going. Second, I want to
work on my sandwich server collection. I
do some minor repairs such as polishing out scratches with the Dremel tool,
filling in the color if it's painted, smoothing rough spots, cleaning with the
Mr. Clean Magic Erasure, and eventually I hope to repair small chips. I also
spend time on eBay looking for a trays to bid on. Third, I clean. Not like Tammy but I do the best I can. It's getting harder all the time but today I
did all the floors with my Shark Steamer.
I use the Swiffer duster on the furniture and my glass and Fabuloso
liquid cleaner for spotting the rug and lots of other things. Clorox spray is best for the bathroom. Fourth, I am working on a book of
stories about family ancestors. I want
to post some of them on Family Search. It has been fun. Fifth, I watch TV and record most of
my programs so I don't have to watch commercials. I watch HGTV and DIY for the decorating, Fox
News for "fair and balanced" reporting, and some PBS mysteries. Once in a while I can find a movie I
like. Sixth, I read books on my iPad
at night when I go to bed and during the night when I can't sleep. I read mostly Christian fiction, non-fiction,
mysteries and anything I can get on Book Bub or Book Gorilla for cheap that
sounds interesting. Seventh, Beth
and I go out to lunch at least once a week.
In the Summer we go to Riverton and have lunch with Velna and Dwight. Eighth,
I wash stuff every day; towels, washcloths, underwear, dishtowels, etc. I also still iron my clothes. Ninth, I
exercise five days a week on my Aero-Fit also called the Gazelle. Before I die I want to know and follow my Savior, Jesus Christ,
and our Father in Heaven as best I can.
That will take lots of work and humbly submitting myself to their will,
so I will be working on that until the end.
Question: What number of
child were you in your family? How did
you feel about your siblings?
I am the
fourth child born to Volney and Pearl Black, and the closest in age to my only
brother Franklin, who is twenty-two months older. The children in our family are spread out in
age over twenty years which was difficult.
I'm not sure why. Joyce was born
first after Mother and Dad had been married four years from 1924-1928. Joyce was smart and mega talented. She was also popular in high school and college
with various boyfriends. She ran away
and got married the summer of 1948 which caused our parents much sorrow. After
she and Phil Reasch were married, she finished her degree in Music Ed. and got
a Master's in voice at the University of Wyoming. She could sing and play the piano and organ better
than anyone I have ever known even to this day.
She died of cancer on March 1, 1970. Velna was born in 1933. Velna was
always easy to get along with and never caused trouble that I can remember. She
started dating Dwight Blood while still in high school and got married when she
was 19 years old. Frank was next, born in 1936.
He was mister wonderful, the only boy.
He was popular in high school and a class officer every year. I was always proud to be his sister. I was born in 1938, just as war was looming
in Europe. I remember everything was
about the war until it was all over in 1945.
I believe I wasn't in any way planned, and felt mostly ignored. Bethel
was born the last day of 1947, the first of the baby boomers. She was something. Everyone who didn't know us thought she was
Joyce's baby as Joyce was old enough to be her mother and Mother was too old at
45, to be a new mother. She went to
kindergarten at Prep, but transferred to public school the next year. She was the only one home after 1956 when I
got married so we didn't get to know her very well until much later. Joyce was extraordinary; Velna has many
gifts. The best word to describe her is
virtuous. Frank is a peacemaker as his
wife, Donna, is a strong personality. He
is like Mother was, quiet and unassuming.
I am like my Dad. I have strong
opinions. Beth is herself—a unique
individual; multi talented, smart and sometimes feisty. She has been a wonderful sister to me. Thank you Beth and thank you Velna.
New Question: How
many grandchildren and great-grandchildren do you have? Tell something about them.
Grandpa Wally
and I have thirteen grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. Our first is Carlos
Averett, for whom I am very sad. He has
so much potential but is being fooled by the adversary. Next is Jaylynn Averett Clark. I am proud of her for so many reasons. She and Ryan have two wonderful children,
Trace and baby Macie Claire. Charles
Stanley Averett is next. He reminds me so
much of Grandad Stan, and that's a good thing. Ileana Averett Morris is married
to Nolan and they live in Austin, TX, have two beautiful children, brown-eyed
Halle and blue-eyed Wendell. Corina Cox
Sorensen married Jordan and they have the fun little entertainer, Reagan, and
baby Naomi Emma, living in Layton, UT. I believe Laura Averett is next. She is married to Aeryc Murphy who was raised
in Vermont. They are BYI students but are
living in Vermont this summer. Addie
Loveridge Jackson is married to Kyle Jackson.
She is a super dog groomer and has a blessed boy Gabriel who was hurt by
an evil man, and a cutie pie, all boy, one year old Tatem, who looks just like
her. Samantha Pearl Averett graduated from Texas A&M at the old age of
21. She has a good job and is working in
Houston. Marćia Averett is returning on July 1, from an LDS mission to
Argentina and Paraguay. I can hardly
wait to see her. Alexander Loveridge is
on a service mission to UVU and The Bishop's Storehouse. I am very proud of Alex.
Fraternal twins, Logan and Dylan Cox are finally 16 and driving. They are both smart, good students. Finally, we have Alan Averett, 15, our little
adopted grandchild of Korean ancestry.
He is truly gifted and smart, I hear.
Question: Do you believe in life after death? Are you afraid to die?
This is a question no one likes to think about very much. I never dwell on death, only on life. Of course, I believe in life after
death. I don't know who would ask that question knowing what we know
from the Book of Mormon. It is spelled
out there. "Now, concerning the state of the
soul between death and the resurrection—Behold, it has been made known unto
me by an angel, that the spirits of all men, as soon as they are departed from
this mortal body, yea, the spirits of all men, whether they be good or evil,
are taken home to that God who gave them life." (Alma
That's pretty clear. And we believe that we will be with our families there. I believe the hope of being reunited with our loved ones after the death of a child, a parent, husband or wife, will do more to bring about our good works than any other thing. So, we know that death is just another step from our premortal to mortal to post mortal to immortal life. We know that Christ was the first-fruits of the resurrection and because He lives, we all shall live again in an eternal and hopefully exalted state. This is what LDS.org in the Bible Dictionary states about the Resurrection: The Resurrection consists in the uniting of a spirit body with a body of flesh and bones, never again to be divided. The Resurrection shall come to all, because of Christ’s victory over death. Jesus Christ was the first to be resurrected on this earth (see Matt. 27:52–54; Acts 26:23; 1 Cor. 15:23; Col. 1:18; Rev. 1:5). Others had been brought back from death but were restored to mortality, whereas a resurrection means to become immortal, with a body of flesh and bone.
That's pretty clear. And we believe that we will be with our families there. I believe the hope of being reunited with our loved ones after the death of a child, a parent, husband or wife, will do more to bring about our good works than any other thing. So, we know that death is just another step from our premortal to mortal to post mortal to immortal life. We know that Christ was the first-fruits of the resurrection and because He lives, we all shall live again in an eternal and hopefully exalted state. This is what LDS.org in the Bible Dictionary states about the Resurrection: The Resurrection consists in the uniting of a spirit body with a body of flesh and bones, never again to be divided. The Resurrection shall come to all, because of Christ’s victory over death. Jesus Christ was the first to be resurrected on this earth (see Matt. 27:52–54; Acts 26:23; 1 Cor. 15:23; Col. 1:18; Rev. 1:5). Others had been brought back from death but were restored to mortality, whereas a resurrection means to become immortal, with a body of flesh and bone.
I'm not
afraid to die. It will be just another
thing I have to go through. Life is all
about going through different phases and times.
Until then, I want to be happy, have fun, be useful, be healthy, be
loved, be of service and be prepared for better things ahead.
Question: Who is your favorite
musical group? Or favorite singer?
I haven't
kept up with popular music the last 30 years or more. It is something that divides the generations.
I seldom listen to anything on the radio except for talk radio, Sean Hannity,
Rush Limbaugh, or Glenn Beck. I liked
the songs I sang. One I liked was by
David Gates of the group Bread
If a picture paints a thousand words
Then why can't I paint you?
The words will never show
The you I've come to know.
If a face could launch a thousand ships
Then where am I to go?
There's no one home but you
You're all that's left me too
And when my love for life is running dry
You come and pour yourself on me.
If a man could be two places at one time
I'd be with you
Tomorrow and today
Beside you all the way.
If the world should stop revolving
Spinning slowly down to die
I'd spend the end with you
And when the world was through
Then one by one the stars would all go out
Then you and I would simply fly away.
If a picture paints a thousand words
Then why can't I paint you?
The words will never show
The you I've come to know.
If a face could launch a thousand ships
Then where am I to go?
There's no one home but you
You're all that's left me too
And when my love for life is running dry
You come and pour yourself on me.
If a man could be two places at one time
I'd be with you
Tomorrow and today
Beside you all the way.
If the world should stop revolving
Spinning slowly down to die
I'd spend the end with you
And when the world was through
Then one by one the stars would all go out
Then you and I would simply fly away.
Singers I
like are Barbara Streisand, Anne Murray, Celine Dion, Whitney Houston. Most of the current lyrics I don't understand
and don't want to. I enjoy the songs
from all the musicals of the '50's and '60's like The Sound of Music, but other
than that, I am totally out of the loop.
I don't really have a favorite song.
The church hymns are good, the patriotic songs bring tears to my eyes,
and just plain love songs by Frank Sinatra and others are enjoyable. Sadly, most of my greatest songsters are
dead. So long old friends.
New Question: Do you have any
regrets about your life?
Unlike Wally
J., yes I have many although I don't think I would change a thing. I regret not doing more with my talents. I regret not finishing some of the projects
that I started. I regret not keeping in
touch with old friends. I regret my
years not paying tithing. I regret not
studying the scriptures until I got older.
I regret all the problems I caused and mistakes I made. I regret climbing up to the top and falling off
of a step ladder. I regret my body
shape. I regret my poor eating habits,
and so on. On the other hand, those are
all the negatives of my life and I don't think about them very much. The only one I want to seriously work on now
is my poor eating habits. It's so funny,
I would still like to end my life with a skinny body. It seems I don't want it bad enough to make
changes necessary to make it happen.
Question: What is your favorite
candy, drink, movie, flower, animal, place to eat?
I am combining some of the favorite
things into one or two. 1) My favorite
candy has always been something soft, chewy, and fruit-flavored. 2) My
favorite drink used to be Pepsi but not anymore (no caffeine allowed). I drink sparkling fruit-flavored drinks and
Propel flavored water. 3) My favorite
movie is probably "The Way We Were" with Barbra Streisand and Robert
Redford or any decent movie with a good story.
4) My favorite flower is not known.
I like red flowers and yellow flowers, and pink and purple flowers. 5)
My favorite animal by far is dogs. I
loved my Pomeranian TJ. She was my
dog. Now Alex and I share Gizmo. He is faithful, kind, loving, and has a
perfect disposition. Dogs don't expect
anything except love. Cats are
different. They don't need anything most
of the time except water and cat food.
6) My favorite place to eat is Red Lobster but my family doesn't like
fish (Julie, Beth, Velna). I love their shrimp.
I like good sandwiches, good soup, and good salads the most. Olive Garden soup and salad is my
favorite. Zupa's is a regular, Firehouse
Subs are the best. I like Mexican food
but haven't had a good experience at Cafe Rio lately. Their salad is good, their service is bad,
their atmosphere is terrible, and so on.
Question: Who is your favorite movie star, what is your
favorite holiday, color, season, vegetable?
1) I'm not
really into movie stars, especially the current ones. It seems like they don't have any moral
values. I shouldn't lump all movie stars
together, but the ones I like are the oldies.
2) My favorite holiday has always been Christmas because we celebrate the
birthday of our Savior. Christmas used
to be hectic when our kids were small, now all holidays are mostly stressful
because my family wants to get away and do their own thing or do something
physical which I can't do now. 3) My
favorite color is aqua--the current most popular color in the universe. Like mauve was everywhere in the '90's, turquoise
is the "in" color of this decade (2010-201?). I also like yellow for accents, as in rugs,
pillows, throws, etc. 4) My favorite
season by far is Fall, my birthday time of the year. I love the colors of fall, the cooler
weather, the anticipation of winter and Christmas, the amber and golden colors
of my glass tray displays. The orange
pumpkins of Halloween and the colors of turning leaves. 5) My favorite vegetables are probably
cucumbers and corn. There aren't many
veggies that I don't like (maybe Kale). I
love salads but am too lazy to fix them every day like I used to as there is
lots of cutting involved. Right now the
home grown fruit and vegetables are getting ripe for eating. I can hardly wait to go to the Farmer's
New Question: What did you do on Memorial Day? What do you do now?
When I was a
child, we didn't do anything for Memorial Day as no family was buried in
Laramie. When the kids were little, we
used to collect flowers from the lilac bushes and some Iris flowers and go to
the cemetery at Cowley and put them on Grandma Black Lythgoe's grave and John
Franklin Black's grave. Even though
Grandma was married to Thomas Lythgoe for 40 years, they were both buried next
to their first husband and wife. Later
my cousin Travene was buried there too.
Now several of the Black-Lythgoe siblings are buried there. After Joyce died in 1970, we went to the Lovell
cemetery too. Now Grandpa Wally is there
along with his parents Stan and Wynona and me someday. I am sad that no one is there to decorate the
graves. The only relative I have left in Lovell is Brent Reasch and his
family. When we visited the cemetery a
few years ago, I was struck by the fact that I knew more people in the cemetery
than I did in the town. It is a beautiful
place and well cared for. Now, Beth,
Annett and I go to the Orem City Cemetery every year to put mums on Volney and
Pearl's graves. It's just a short once a
year trip, but still a time of honor and remembrances.
New Question: What are your likes
and dislikes?
question! I like candy, obviously. I like a clean house and an organized
life. I like people who practice what
they preach. I like a soft warm bed and
taking a hot bath. I have always liked swimming in pools. I love my iPad. I
like the scriptures. I like the Apostle
Paul, what a great man. I like reading
books on my iPad. I like my center handle servers I buy on eBay. I like the Internet. I like my Aero-fit exerciser. I like good
smells. I like to study the gospel. I like genealogy and the stories of our
ancestors. I like movies and TV shows
with stories. I like my PT Cruiser, I
like decorating and some cooking shows on TV. I like Ina and Ree. I like dogs especially Gizmo. Alex is special to me. I like babies, they are so precious. I like
looking at the moon and the stars. I
like pretty clothes. I like good memories.
▶I dislike most meat especially any kind of roasted pork or
beef. I dislike Chinese food. I dislike
violence of any kind in the movies, on TV or in real life. I dislike driving
the car. I dislike shopping for
groceries. I dislike not communicating.
I dislike feeling sick. I dislike
my fat (what?). I dislike people who
live in the past. I dislike talking
about operations and sickness. I dislike
doctors. I don't like negative people. I
dislike vacuuming. I dislike junk. I
dislike dust and dirt (so I dust and vacuum).
I dislike weeds. I dislike not hearing the talks at Church. I dislike neuropathy in my feet and legs. I dislike politics and liberal, progressive
I love my
family and our Savior, Jesus Christ.
They are what keeps me going.
New Question:
What were your dreams for the future of your children?
question. I hoped Andy would become a TV
critic as he seemed glued to the TV when he was not playing basketball. Actually, he was good in school without much
effort and after a mission to Japan, I hoped he would use that experience and
language to develop a career and he did.
Annett was the perfect child always doing what was right. She had many friends, a good head on her
shoulders and was outgoing and friendly which meant she could sell ice to
Eskimos. She had a successful 10-year
career with various newspapers selling ads—always number one in sales. That also made her a great teacher in a 2nd
career choice although teaching is the hardest job I can think of. Jay I worried about the most for some unnecessary
reason. As a kid he worked at Taco Bell
and Egley's filling station. Working
hard is his greatest asset. He is
willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done. Wally wanted him to have a career in the oil
and gas industry. We always knew he was mechanically inclined and worked well with
all the equipment involved to keep things going. Wally helped him get started
with his life's career success in that
business. Julie is amazing—she is a
dynamo. She can do whatever she decides
to do. I don't know anyone who can do more in less time than Julie. Her life is a miracle. My dream for her future was to have a good
family and a happy life. She works at that every day which is all the career
anyone needs although she is the most productive career executive recruiter in
history. My dreams had nothing to do
with the success of my children. They
did it themselves—thank the Lord!!
question: What physical and personality traits did you inherit from your
mother and father?
From my mother I inherited her hazel eye color, although it kind
of depends on the color I'm wearing.
Sometimes I think I look like her and if my nose hadn't been broken when
I was a baby, I believe it would be like hers.
She was more of a natural leader and a good teacher, although I have the
ability to be both I never wanted to be a teacher. I am more like my dad, the
Blacks. I have fair skin and have had
fairly blondish hair (now gray).
Sometimes I think I look like my Grandma Eliza King Black Lythgoe. Personality-wise, I am more like my
father. He was a hard worker which I was
most of my life until the body refuses to cooperate. I like to do everything to
the best of my ability with no detail left undone. Dad was like that too. Mother was a peace-maker, but I inherited
more of dad's temperament. Mother rarely argued about anything, but dad had
strong opinions and so do I. They were
both staunch Democrats which I am not. I
believe in Conservative principles. Neither one of my parents were emotional
but Wally was, so I had to loosen up just a bit. They were both frugal which I have had to
learn with my limited income. Happily, every individual is unique and not just
a copy of their parents. We are
responsible for our own lives—our lives are what we make of them especially
when it comes to happiness. I try to
make good choices and don't feel any personal animosity towards anyone or
anything. Our Savior's Atonement makes it possible for us to be forgiven of our
sins in mortality through repentance. If followed, that's all we need.
Question: What attracted you to your mate? What did you have in common?
When I first met Wallace Averett, I could say I was attracted to
him because he had a car and money for whatever we wanted to do when we
dated. I could say, he was from Lovell
and I thought that was great. My family had their roots in the Big Horn Basin.
I could say, he was fun to be with and always had somewhere new to go and
something fun to do. That was when I was
seventeen years old. But, I was
attracted to Wally for many reasons. He
was always happy and pleasant to be with.
He was smart and knew lots about lots of things. We never in all our years together had a
problem finding something to talk about. He was a good person—naturally loving
and kind. He liked me and treated me
with respect and love from the beginning.
I needed someone who would put me first. He always did what I asked of
him whether it was reasonable or not. He
never belittled me or made fun of me. He
didn't know how to be sarcastic which can be demeaning. He had a gentle soul and made friends easily. He never criticized others (or me). He worked hard for forty years. He was generous with whatever money he
had. He could fix anything and remodel
houses when that was MY passion. He was
always thinking and scheming. He was considerate of others. He was willing to sacrifice all for his family. He was the most unselfish person I ever
Question: What does it feel like to lose
someone you love?
It's awful. Without the
knowledge of the Savior, Jesus Christ, and his Atonement and promise of Eternal
life with our families, it would completely destroy me. Today (October 20, 2015) I am sitting here
trying to figure out a way to cope with the imminent death of my sister,
Velna. She is in the Huntsman Hospital
in Salt Lake not expected to live another day.
Beth and I have visited her twice, once on Saturday and again yesterday
(Monday). I was constantly reminded of
Joyce's death in the hospital at Cody on March 1, 1970. Her husband, Phil, Velna and I were the only
ones in the room when she took her last breath at 42 years old leaving six
children in the home. Velna is
different. She has been in pain for
several years, she is 82 years old and has lived a longer life of accomplishment
and happiness. She is probably ready to
go be with our family in heaven. But,
I'm not ready for her to go. I cry and
feel bad. I pray constantly that angels
will be with her. I pray for her family.
I try to remember her as she was, not as she is now, so sick. I miss Wally but he left us suddenly. That was a good thing; it's much easier. It's the waiting and the whole hospital thing
that's hard. I feel sad and will miss
her terribly. This morning I read about
Paul's visit to Jerusalem in Acts 21-28. The scriptures always give me
comfort. Paul was a valiant Apostle who
was visited by Christ, likewise Joseph Smith.
I pray for peace and solace through the gifts of the Spirit as Paul and
Joseph Smith experienced. They both suffered so much for their testimonies and
teachings of Christ. Through the Atonement we know all death and suffering will
end someday.
Question: What are a few of your
favorite Scriptures?
7:11-13—11 And he shall go forth, suffering pains
and afflictions and temptations of
every kind; and this that the word might be fulfilled which saith he will take upon him
the pains and the sicknesses of his people.
12 And he will take upon him death,
that he may loose the bands of death which bind his people; and he will
take upon him their infirmities, that his bowels may be filled with mercy,
according to the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his
people according to their infirmities. 13 Now the Spirit knoweth all
things; nevertheless the Son of God suffereth according to the flesh that
he might take upon him
the sins of his people, that he might blot out their transgressions according
to the power of his deliverance; and now behold, this is the testimony which is
in me.
John 14:27—Peace I leave
with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I
unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
25:34-40—34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come,
ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for
you from the foundation of the world: 35 For
I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat:
I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me
in: 36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was
sick, and ye visited me: I was
in prison, and ye came
unto me. 37 Then shall the
righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or
thirsty, and gave thee drink? 38 When saw we thee a stranger, and
took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee?
39 Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison,
and came unto thee? 40 And
the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye
have done it unto
one of the least of these
my brethren, ye have
done it unto me.
2 Nephi 31: Doctrine of Christ—vv.
11-13 "Repent ye and be baptized;" v. 14 "receive the baptism of
fire and of the Holy Ghost;" vv. 15-16 "endureth to the end and be
saved;" v. 17 "that ye might know the gate by which ye should enter;"
vv. 18-19 "And then are ye in this strait and narrow path which leads to
eternal life;" v. 20 "press
forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and
a love of God and of all men…feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to
the end, behold thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life;" v. 21
"this is the way; and there is none other way nor name given under heaven
whereby man can be saved in the kingdom of God. …this is the doctrine of
Christ." (Summarized.)
2 Nephi 32:3—3 Angels speak
by the power of the Holy Ghost; wherefore, they speak the words of Christ.
Wherefore, I said unto you, feast upon
the words of Christ; for behold, the words of
Christ will tell you all
things what ye should do.
D&C 24:8—8 Be patient in afflictions, for thou
shalt have many; but endure them, for, lo, I am with thee, even
unto the end of thy days.
Question: What are you thinking about today?
Saturday, October 24, 2015. I'm thinking about my sister, Velna. It's been hard to concentrate on anything
since Velna died on Thursday, October 22, 2015 at approximately 8:00 p.m. I feel like a cloud is hanging over me. It was expected for the last week but it was
too soon for me. I wanted to spend just
a few more years with her. I wanted to
talk to her and be with her and see her just a few more times. She was a special person. She was a perfect companion to Dwight. She
thought more about others than she did herself. Thinking about Velna today, I
realize I wasn't in her life very much--not enough. About the only thing I remember from being
with her at home in Laramie is the time between when Joyce got married in 1948
and Velna married Dwight in 1952. We
slept in the same bed in the nicer bedroom downstairs. I remember she was loving and kind to
me. After school and marriage, we all
seemed to go our own way leaving the others behind. I wish we could have been together more the
last few years, but they went to St. George for half the year, and Beth and I
stayed here. I woke up yesterday
thinking "this is the first day I
have been on the earth without Velna being here too." I'm glad she isn't suffering and is in a better
place although something is missing in my life that can't be replaced. ¶ I was also thinking about getting married
in just four days from today in 1956. I
haven't thought about that for a long time as Wally has been gone for over
twelve years. We were in a whirlwind in
1956 because I was attending BYU and he had to report for active duty in the
Army on December 10th. We only had a few
short weeks together after we got married before he left. As I remember we did lots of activities,
hunting pheasants in the river bottom, driving on the Big Horns, moving into a
shabby little apartment, planning a future, enjoying being together. ¶So, I am experiencing another great loss
in this life: Joyce, Mother, Dad, Wally and now Velna. Thank heaven for the
promised blessings of the life to come because of the Atonement. I'm thinking I'm sad but want to do better,
be better and try to be more like the Savior--but don't know just how to do it.
What are
your wishes related to end-of-life decisions?
As I have
written before, I don't think about it much.
However, with Velna's death (a word our society is afraid of) and,
defying any other condition, I am next in line due to my age. So, I guess it's time to think about it a
little bit. I don't remember now, but
someone in Velna's family told me that when she checked into the hospital, she
told the doctor/s that she didn't want any extraordinary measures taken to
"save" her life. I think she
knew. Our system is so weird. I just read an article from The Washington Post by Aaron Kheriaty, (asst.
professor of psychiatry and director of medical ethics at the University of
California Irvine School of Medicine) about what is happening with doctors and
hospitals when they are dealing with "end of life" patients. They use words like "declare a
patient," and "he/she expired."
The author stated, "Milk expires. But people die." He writes we "now live in a [youth oriented]
death-denying culture." He quotes
Woody Allen who said, "I'm not afraid of dying; I just don't want to be
there when it happens." He further
states, "The human mortality rate continues to hold steady at 100 percent
and shows no signs of changing." He
believes that patients need access not only to "palliative care" (alleviating
pain and symptoms without eliminating the cause) but also to doctors who can
accompany their patients through the dying process by encouraging them "to
say and to do what really matters in the end." He believes we need to
accept our mortality with a "more human approach to [the] deep mystery of
every life." In conclusion he affirms, "It's not comfortable to watch
a loved one die. But those who have died
well show us that in the midst of
suffering and decline we can still find courage, hope, and even beauty. True compassion and mercy involve walking
this difficult journey with our patients and with our loved ones—a journey in
which there simply are no shortcuts."
said. I hope to die with everything I
want to do done. I will continue to
study the scriptures and try to be more like our Savior. I will cherish and love my family, every
one. I will hope not to suffer and try harder
to keep myself healthy. In the end, if
you live your life as best you can, nothing else matters. I have chosen this life and will continue as
long as I have breath to breathe.
Question: Tell about the
blessings of your life
Of course,
the best blessings of my life are my husband and my children. Without them my life would be so
different. Getting married and having four
children is nothing short of miraculous.
It has always kept me going as best I could. The Gospel of Jesus Christ with all that goes
with it is next including knowledge of the Father, His Son, Jesus Christ, and
the Holy Ghost. I am a member of a church with a prophet, priesthood,
ordinances and revelation. I know I have
a Savior who died to pay for the sins of the world, even mine. Because of Him we can receive everything in
this life and in the life to come if we are willing to repent and keep the
commandments. Physical blessings are
important too. I have had all that I
needed and most of what I wanted. I love
beautiful, clean surroundings that I can change with the seasons and moods of
my life. My sisters Beth and Velna have
been great blessings. I will miss Velna.
I told her I would see her again as she lay in her casket. Beth has been my friend, my sounding board,
my confidant, and my movie and shopping companion. She has been generous to me helping
financially and with nice gifts at Christmas and my birthday. She was the
greatest blessing to all the Volney and Pearl Black family members. The little
pets in my life are blessings. I had TJ
the red Pomeranian for ten years and now little Gizmo, the best little doggie
in the Universe (although I'm not sure there are dogs in the Universe). I must add prayer and the scriptures as
blessings. I really love the scriptures
and will continue to learn from them. I
am blessed with an iPad to read books on.
I have the whole world of books on Amazon to choose from. I read every day but mostly at night to
relax. I have read lots of books. My car, my apartment, my computer, my cell
phone, my bathtub, my bed and all my comforts are blessings. My grandchildren are blessings. My hobbies give me joy. I love my Depression Glass colored
trays. They are fun to collect. That brings me to the Internet especially eBay. What a blessing that is if used
carefully. Finally, my country. I love living in Utah and the freedoms we
enjoy here in America. Thank you Lord:
may they continue.
Question: Describe your life when you
were 25 years old
It was
September 8, 1963 when I turned 25 years old.
We were living in Lovell and Wally was working for Mule Creek Oil
Company. We had just built our new house
on West 7th Street after living in Aunt Blanche's tiny cinderblock house next
door to Stan and Wynona for four years.
We moved into our new house on Veteran's Day, November 11, 1962. Andy was 4, Annett 2, and Jay 5 months
old. The new house was 1144 sq. ft. and
seemed like a mansion. Wally and I
painted the whole house with Benjamin Moore paint with a different color in
every room. I loved it anyway. Wally borrowed $3,000 from the Bank of Lovell
and finished the out-of-ground basement.
Downstairs we had a small bedroom for guests, (later for Jay) an
unfinished shop for Wally, a bathroom with a Formica shower Wally built, a
large TV/playroom and a big laundry room/bedroom where Andy slept. Upstairs we had three bedrooms one for Annett
and one for Jay. I remember we laid
hardwood floors which was a requirement for our Farmer's Home loan, and then
covered them with carpet. Lovell didn't have kindergarten, so Andy didn't start
first grade until the fall of 1963. Wally's work was mostly out-of-town
drilling wells, so I was pretty busy with the kids by myself. On November 22, 1963, President John F.
Kennedy was shot and killed by Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas. Texas. I watched it all on television. It was a time of mourning for the whole
country. I was involved with the Church
as Homemaking Counselor in the Relief Society, Sunday School chorister, and
Singing Mothers song leader. At some
time Wally was Elder's Quorum President.
We celebrated all our holidays with Wally's folks. Our friends were Walt and Pam Mayer, Jay and
Carol Welch, Betty and Rex Hubble, Charlie and Dorothy Monk, and others. Alice
Cook was a good friend. I struggled on and off with depression because of PMS
and too much estrogen. I remember being
happy but it was hard with Wally gone most of the time. Joyce and Phil were there and I saw them
quite often. Life was good in our small
town but other places and happenings were not too far away in the future.
Describe your life when you turned 50.
I turned 50
years old in September of 1988. Joyce
died on March 1, 1970, Mother died on March 7, 1980, Dad Volney married Leta
Doerr in October 1980, Annett and Jim got married on December 22, 1981, Andy
and Debi got married on May 5, 1982, Jay and Tammy got married on March 3,
1983, and Julie and Mike married on October 21, 1988. Our first grandchild, Carlos was born in
Japan on July 7, 1984, then Jaylynn Averett in Englewood, CO on March 11, 1985,
and finally Charlie Averett was born in Houston on August 5, 1988. So, we had three grandchildren when I was 50
years old. I started college with Julie
three years earlier and spent most of my time until graduation going to school
and studying. Wally was struggling with
employment. He had some stock that he
was able to sell which kept us in our condo in Littleton until we sold it and
moved to a rented apartment on Belleview.
I loved going to school and studying both English with a writing
emphasis and Business Communications. I
graduated with honors that August. I
remember celebrating my birthday at Benihana's because I still have a picture
of Wally and me somewhere in my stuff. I
looked for a job and had several interviews but no offers so I decided to fix
up a house on Portland in Littleton.
With Wally's help, we were able to work on it little by little with a
lease option to buy and the seller paid $5000 in repair costs. We made enough money to buy another place in
Littleton by the temple to fix up and flip, which is another story. Jim and Annett bought a house in Aurora, Andy
and Debi were in Japan, Jay and Tammy were living in Texas. Julie and Mike stayed in Denver and Wally got
a job with Sunburst Exploration. Lana
Wieberg (now Ennis) was my best friend.
I was music chairman in Littleton and counselor in the Relief Society in
Marston Lake Ward. I also served a short
time as Columbine Stake Communications Director after I got my degree. Wally was not doing well health-wise and had
his first hip replacement while we lived on Portland. It was not successful and had to be done over
the next year. My life certainly had its ups and downs. I guess that's what life is all about.
Question: Describe your best Christmas ever?
Well, here
goes--It would be a Christmas that is yet to come. One where everyone there knew the reason for
the celebration--the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, who came as the Son of
God and also as the son of a special mortal woman, Mary, a person just like
us. We would tell the story of His birth
and sing Christmas songs so familiar to us all.
We would remember the shepherds who were in their fields "keeping
watch over their flocks by night."
And an angel who said unto them: "Fear not: for, behold, I bring
you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you
is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And suddenly there was with the angel a
multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the
highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men." (Luke 2:8-14.) We would exchange gifts in remembrance of
Heavenly Father's gift to us of his Only Begotten Son in the flesh. We would also remember the gifts given to the
Christ child of gold, Frankincense and Myrrh by the Wise Men who came from the
East to worship him because they had seen his star in the heavens. We would think of President Monson's
admonition given in Conference in October 2015: " Each of us came to earth
having been given the Light of Christ.
As we follow the example of the Savior and live as He lived and as He
taught, that light will burn within us and will light the way for others.
" We would open our presents and
express our love and thankfulness for the gifts so generously given. And, we would have a delicious meal prepared
by loving hands, blessed and eaten with thankful hearts and happy
countenances. There would be no jealously,
complaining, or disappointment; no
fighting or struggle. How does this all sound? Like maybe it will be in the Millennium when
Christ is once again on the earth. In
the meantime, we can only try to make it happen. This Christmas can be the best Christmas
ever. I know we can do it. I love you all. Grandma
I'm enjoying reading these! Keep it up!