Saturday, July 14, 2012

Book Review--What the (Bleep) Just Happened by Monica Crowley

 The Happy Warrior's Guide to the Great American Comeback

 Monica Crowley is amazing and so is this book.  It should be required reading for every American who loves our country.  It is skillfully written with great detail and humor.  She uses pop culture iconic metaphors and similes to help lift the reality of "What the (Bleep) Just Happened" to our country.  In the last section of the book she outlines her Happy Warrior’s guide to the great American comeback (solutions for helping to restore America).

Part I, “America, Interrupted.” In this section the concept of American exceptionalism is examined and explained.  And, we can only ask again, “What the (Bleep) has happened” to our country?  From the time of the Founding Fathers down through war and peace, economic prosperity, recessions and depressions, we “never lost the ideal—and the reality—of American exceptionalism.”  What other country has our unique history?  Monica deftly details Obama and the Democrat’s “dark vision” away from individualism and self-reliance to dependency on big government by redistributing our wealth, our resources and our power around the world.

Part II, “The Skinny Socialist is a Big Fat Liar.” Here the book takes us step-by step through Obama’s un-vetted rise to the presidency with his stated objective to “fundamentally remake America.”  His family background and other associations included Communists, Socialist, radicals and revolutionaries.  His objective became redistributionism and class warfare as a means to “establish social and economic justice.”  Saul Alinsky’s book Rules for Radical’s taught Obama how to achieve many of his goals of a collective society for the masses vs. individual freedom and achievement.

Part III, “Size Matters” describes the history and philosophy of “Keynesian Economics” that politicians use as an excuse and means to grow the government.  The book explains that ideological agendas of both parties caused them to support ever-growing more and bigger government spending so all of us could be supplied with a “safety net.” The ultimate objective, however, is to exert more power and control over our lives.  Now we have a cradle to grave nanny state which, according to Monica, has “unfunded liabilities totaling an eye-popping $117 trillion.  That total is more than all the registered wealth in the world.”

Part IV, “Dr. Strangeleader or: How I Learned to Stop Caring and Love American Decline.”  This is a treatise on Obama’s failed foreign policy.  The book describes Obama’s reaction to the jihadists who bombed the World Trade Center as probably coming from (to quote Obama) “a climate of poverty and ignorance, helplessness and despair.” (In other words, it was all our fault!) When, in fact, they were “middle to upper class and highly educated.”  Obama soon makes it clear that his belief is that our country is in decline, and by “leading from behind,” he can cleverly “redistribute America’s power to others.”  This section will curl your hair.

And finally, Part V, “America Unleashed.” This is my favorite part of the book.  It defines the spirit of the Happy Warrior or “We the People”—the fourth branch of government.  Happy Warriors must fight back against the tyranny of over-reaching governmental interference in our lives.  We must protect the Constitution, our homes, our families and our liberty.  And, we are reminded that although we choose to be Happy, we are still Warriors in the war against our enemies—the leftist kooks running our government.  We cannot be complacent and dependent if we are to continue to live in “the land of the free.”  So, Warriors, now is the time and this is the moment.  Go out; fight to restore America using your words, ideas, moral courage and creativity.   Good luck.

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